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Скачать игру Patterns [Steam Early Access] v0.7 - игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинг: 10.0 (9) | Баллы: 19 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Linden Lab (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Сетевые / ХотСит (2298); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1335); Игры для Mac OS X (275)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 119.76 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 9)
• Похожие игры:
- Minecraft: Java Edition 1.20.4 / + TLauncher v2.89
- Detonate v1.2
- Cube World v1.0.0-1 / + RUS v1.0.0-1
- PowerShine v0.05 / Magnetron v0.05
Шикарная песочница-конструктор с потрясающими возможностями от создателей виртуальной вселенной Second Life. Результат Вашей деятельности зависит только от ресурсов и Вашей фантазии. В мире Patterns нет ничего невозможного!
Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v0.06 до v0.7. Список изменений внутри новости.
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Мир Patterns состоит из простейших геометрических фигур, а геймплей следует принципу «от простого к сложному». Нанизывая друг на друга разную мелочь, можно "вырастить" дерево или соорудить огромное колесо. В отличие от неизбежно всплывающей в уме Minecraft каждый предмет здесь обладает весом и другими физическими характеристиками. Сами разработчики называют свое чадо «элегантным, общедоступным пространством для творчества».
Игра находится в ранней стадии разработке, поэтому многое из задуманного разработчиков еще не реализовано, но проект выглядит очень многообещающе!
Если Вам понравилась игра вступайте в группу игры вконтакте.
Quicker Building
• Some of the most powerful new functionality is tied to the right mouse button (RMB). In the past, clicking RMB on a pattern would open the "construct edit mode", breaking you out of the gameworld. The new edit mode allows for the same functionality plus much more, in a less jarring way.
• Click once to select a single shape. Keep clicking slowly to increase the size of your selection, or double click quickly to auto-select the full object. You can probably figure out how to move your selection, but now by holding down Shift you can also clone your selection without having to save it to your inventory. Or use delete/backspace to instantly remove your selection from the gameworld. You can even use the RMB to select the terrain in a world, something not possible before, to rapidly terraform a world to fit your needs. With these tricks you'll be creating epic worlds in a fraction of the time it took before.
Easier Sharing
• Creativity in isolation has its virtues, but it's when you share with others that things get really interesting. Every Patterns user has access to the same set of shapes and tools out of the box, but one of the biggest factors in creativity is community. Sometimes we don't know what we are capable of until someone else helps point the way with an inspiring build. And putting your own work out there to be seen can be a powerful motivator to push your own skills. All of us on the Patterns team are fans of (and sometimes contributors to) the thriving communities around Second Life, Minecraft, LEGO and other platforms for creativity.
• Patterns has always offered the ability to publish your works and download others' creations from the Cosmos, but we're making it easier to highlight worlds with pictures and descriptions. Every time you save a world, Patterns generates a screenshot. From the Create menu you can add a text description. Best of all, we've removed the limit to how many worlds you can publish! If you've published a world in the past that you're proud of, now would be a good time to update your world and republish.
New Worlds to Inspire You
• Next time you go to create a new world, you'll see some options that weren't there before. Alongside old favorite starting points like the "Genesis Cube", we've added a few options that offer a fresh twist on how you build. "Flatland" and "Chromatic Cubeworld" launch with a new materials pack with a vast range of colors instead of the organic substances you're used to. "Uncharted Isles" offers an archipelago of floating cube-based islands to explore and transform. "The Steamworks" is an interior space with a steampunk twist to get you started. With Scene Settings, you can mix and match Materials Packs as you see fit, and with the new RMB functionality mentioned before, you can quickly delete any elements you don't want.
• The planetoids you've played before are still there in the cosmos under the Featured tab, alongside a few creations that our team came up with while this update was under way. Remember to publish your best creations and maybe you'll get featured next!
Foundation for a Dynamic Future
• Lastly, while there are a lot of changes to play with and master in the current release, we also made some necessary behind-the-scenes changes to prepare for the future. The Materials Editor, which you can play with right now, is just the first step in giving creators the power to control the settings and behavior of their worlds. We envision a future where both advanced creators working in collaboration and new players working alone will be able to add dynamic behaviors and gameplay to their worlds.
Substance pack editor
• New graphic properties can be modded to change the look of substances in game:
• Specular- Basically the shininess of the texture. This uses a grayscale only palette with white being the most shiny. Color images are converted to grayscale.
• Occlusion- Used to map darker and lighter pixels resulting in a texture with an illusion of relief. Brick and bonestone are good examples of this technique. This can be used to create hot spots and shadows on substances. This also uses a grayscale palette and color images will be converted.
• Illumination- Enables the glow and light emission effect for materials. Lava and moonstone are good examples of this technique.. White to black is the range with white being the most illuminating. Default color is black.
• Metal- Affects the metallic quality of a substance. The default is black with white being the most metallic.
• HD setting option doubles the texture resolution when working in the substance pack editor.
• Note: This is performance intensive while in the editor.
• It is now possible to be able to define the exact number of substances you want to include in your substance pack. So if you ever wanted to just have 5 substances, you can!
Save data reorganization
• Worlds are now saved into their own directory with world data and the lua config file.
• As those worlds get loaded in game a new folder for that world and its save files will be created in "userLindenLabPatternsWorldData". All subsequent saves will be saved to their own subdirectory under "WorldData"
• When saving we now create a screenshot of the game in view at the point of saving. This file will be placed in the world’s directory.
New Features
• Genesis Plane Square: Elegant, simple, and square.
• Genesis Plane Strip: Perfect for your flat world and elongated projects.
• Added lock camera option to the Scene Settings. You can use this to control the use of the camera and player experience in worlds shared on the Cosmos.
Bug fixing and house cleaning
• Removed Hypatia V due to performance issues.
• Fixed "collection challenge" bug where the challenge mode persisted across multiple worlds.
• Fixed the saved game time stamp bug.
• Fixed Multiplayer bug that prevented clients from placing saved patterns in hosted worlds.
• Fixed the Patterns inventory not being synced in network multiplayer.
• Hitting the repeat build key (the "C" key by default) to repeat the shape placement should now work as intended.
• Removed username from default save file name.
• Fixed not being able to “Like” more than one Cosmos world during a game session.
v0.05 build 69022:
• Substance Editor: new pack starts with sample flat color textures
• Changed button in options screen from "Substance Pack" to "Scene Selection"
• Gravity multiplier
• Build gravity multiplier
• Creatures allowed
• Cloud on/off
• Other planets on/off
• Sun and moon on/off
• Override day/night cycle
• Sky color gradient control
• Fog color control
• Fog distance settings
• Direct light color
• Direct light intensity
• Bounce light color
• Bounce light intensity
• Ambient light color
• Post effects
• SSAO blur
• SSAO radius
Bug fixes
• Cosmos log-ins no longer fail when passwords start with #
• Substances no longer have default pack properties with new packs
• Fixed occasional hang at 35% when loading
• Fixed changing pack name and uploading problems
• Fixed problem where rocket bomb does not explode
• Fixed problem with line breaks in substance titles causing problem
• Substance Packs can no longer be named Patterns as this created problems with loading default packs
• Removed confusing button for saving substance pack in game
• Fixed sounds that play repeatedly when placing shape
Substance Pack Editor version 0.1
• First release of tool to create and edit substance packs.
• Texture panel for managing and importing modded images and normal maps
• Added directory support for UGC content ...LindenLabPatternsUGC
Edit interface for the following substance properties:
• Substance Name
• Crumble
• Durability
• Lift
• Weight
• Hurt Player
• Light
• Light Color
• Footprint color
• Footprint time
• Behavior (Normal, Bouncy Slippy, Sticky)
Patterns Client updates
• Substance Pack Editor launch option from main menu of Patterns
• In game UI for loading substance packs from the pause menu
• Save content is now written to save path from to ...LindenLabPatterns
• Multiplayer and Cosmos support for Substance Packs
• Various bug fixes and optimizations
• Use gravity as a tool and check out the new possibilities! Can you build an Escher Staircase?
• Patterns gravity is now called "Escher gravity".
• Gravity no longer pulls to the center of the planet and instead is based on what’s below the player.
• When digging underground, down is defined by the direction one enters underground.
• Please check out our wiki for detailed instructions.
• Patterns now uses fully dynamic lighting with light emanating from the character, lava and moonstone substances.
• The Lantern is a new formation which can be used to shed light on darker areas. To build it place 3 silver tetrahedrons, 1 moonstone octahedron in the center, and another silver tetrahedron on top.
• Turn Lanterns on and off by hitting the moonstone shape with your beam.
Runestone Signs
• Write on Runestone top tiles to leave messages for other players in their worlds!
• To use, simply place a Runestone top tile on any square surface and double-click, then type, and hit enter.
• The font will shrink to fit on the cube so play around with multiple faces to write in larger Font Sizes.
• Improved camera for digging and mining.
• Confined spaces will no longer be as troublesome.
• Transparency on the player avatar will make maneuvering through the world easier - no more blocked view!
• We’ve started using a Peer to Peer implementation to allow easier connectivity to games.
• Password support for private game hosting.
• There’s a new game lobby for hosted multiplayer games in the main menu. This will allow players to find games easily.
• Multiple fixes for stability and improved co-op building and destruction
Bug Fixes
• A variety of multiplayer bug fixes are in this patch due to the new Peer to Peer implementation.
• Main menu UI fixes and flow improvements are included.
• Players list is no longer available in single player games.
• Fixes for worlds that fail to load past 35%
Known Issues
• Previously saved planets are not set up for Escher gravity.
• The Lanterns are unbreakable until they are turned into free patterns.
• There’s still an issue with memory consumption so save often and exit the game to free up memory especially when in larger worlds.
• The new lighting effects on substances can cause some framerate issues if there are a lot on screen.
• There is a known issue that causes instability in Patterns after playing for a while. Please restart Patterns between levels for best results.
• Добавлен мультиплеер! Теперь вы можете играть с друзьями как по локальной так и по интернет сети.
• Добавлены так называемые мобы. Всего их две штуки:
- Морозный сприт (Ice Sprits) - моб, который всегда враждебен к игрокам. Умирая драпает снег.
- Улитко (Angleopes) - мирное "животное", похожее на улитку. Передвигается долго. Скромный. Прячется от игрока. Просто так не нападает.
• Добавлены новые миры:
- Древние руины - множество предметов и загадок на одной карте, а так же множество шаблонов. Здесь вы можете проходить лабиринты, драться с Морозным Спритом, собирать лунные камни и прочее. Карта для новичков и развлечений.
- Гипатия 5 - карта, вся покрытая деревьями и степями. На ней можно всё собирать самому. Рекомендуется игрокам, которые уже разобрались с игрой, играть на этой карте в реалистичном режиме.
- Зэлос 8 - планета, похожая на планетоид 1.
• Новые вещество можно найти в труднодоступных местах.
• Новые инструменты:
- Столяр- с помощью этой штуки вам будет легче строить стены из треугольников или других трудных материалов. Он позволяет создать образ для заполнения материалом. Телекинезный луч (ТЛ или ТК)- позволяет передвигать физические объекты и любой другой мусор на карте. Полезно для массовой утилизации в пустоту.
• Добавлены множество новых звуков и музыки.
• Некоторые баг-фиксы.
The Cosmos:
• Browse and download shared worlds.
• Search for planets by architect or world name.
• Create an account to unlock Cosmos.
• Upload up to 5 of your own worlds and share with others.
• Manage your upload slots by deleting and replacing your online worlds.
• Reporting feature for inappropriate content.
Known Issues and Future features:
• At this time all searches (Find by Architect and Find by World) are case sensitive
• There is no way in game to reset your password, however the game currently will remember your password. Should you lose it you can contact us to have it reset.
• Additional features we are working on include up-voting, displaying creator names, search filters and more.
New Planets and Gravity from the core
• Planetoid 1- A Hexagon shaped planet made from triangular shapes. 6 Biomes representing different environments and geology.
• Planetoid 2- One giant cube made from many smaller cubes. This is a canvas world and it is featureless. It is easy to build on and is ready for you to shape it how ever you see fit.
• Protoworld 2- Not a new world but we did a pass on optimizing it. This is a great place to start if you are new to the game. Gravity pulls directly down in this world.
Game Modes
Any Planet or save game can be entered into in one of three modes:
• Unbound: A very powerful mode that includes flying, unlimited substances and all shapes, powerful beam breaking power, and physics turned off.
• Easy Build: This mode includes basic inventory of shapes and substances and physics are turned off.
• Realistic: You need to earn all your shapes and substances and physics are turned on.
Construct Edit Mode
• Right click on a shape connected collection of shapes you have placed and enter CEM. In CEM the object you are working on is hi-lighted and the rest of the world is grayed out.
In this mode you can do the following:
• Add more shapes to your construct.
• The Twist tool you can twist individual shapes or entire portions of the construct.
• The Selection tool enables you to add and/or deselect other shapes to be included or excluded from your Construct.
• Relocate your Pattern by click and drag on the Move tool.
• Save your Pattern to your Inventory.
• Re-Anchor your Pattern by clicking on a new face.
• Paint tool will transmute a single shape with one click or transmute the entire construct with a double click.
• Turn the entire construct into Debris.
UI Update
• The front end shell and in game UI have all been updated.
Performance and Optimization:
• Frame rate improvements.
• Greater efficiency in the new worlds in how they are constructed.
• First pass and automation used to convert Protoworld 2 to the new optimized state.
Note: Your save games will benefit from our Data 2 conversion and some of our general optimization improvements. Those world will likely not perform as well as the new planets added in this update however.
It’s your universe to shape. Patterns is an ever-expanding 3D space, where you’ll construct simple and complex structures as you harvest substances and discover new shapes that can be used to enhance your creativity.
Patterns starts at a low level with simple, basic shapes and allows you to expand your universe as you add together other shapes to make more and more elaborate constructs. Build large scale structures that reach high into the sky or bridges that traverse wide chasms. Use your constructions to reach new areas and break out of your space to discover other worlds.
Be careful! Each substance contains different physical properties that can cause your creations to tumble, crumble or crash down to the ground. Will your creations withstand the power of gravity?
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Скачать Patterns [Steam Early Access] v0.7 (119.76 Мб.):
Patterns v0.02a (Macintosh) (56.15 Мб.):
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