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Скачать игру Autocraft [Steam Early Access] v0.921 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки | Рейтинг: 7.8 (4) | Баллы: 19 |
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Alientrap Games (5)
• Жанр / Genre: Игры с физикой (1286); Головоломки, пазлы (3001); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1336)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 195.54 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 7.8 из 10 (всего голосов: 4)
• Похожие игры:
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- Bad Piggies PC v1.5.1
- Crashtastic v0.5.3
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Autocraft - новый проект студии Alientrap Games, создателей физического платформера Capsized и Apotheon.
Autocraft представляет из себя песочницу-конструктор и физическую головоломку по совместительству.
Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v0.92 до v0.921. "Update 0.9 - Unity5 / New Physics / UI!" Список изменений внутри новости.
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В текущей версии доступно два режима игры: "Build challenges" и "Sandbox mode". Первый режим представляет из себя серию несложных головоломок, в которых игрок должен собрать определенный объект из набора деталей, во втором режиме игрок сможет поэкспериментировать и создать различные конструкции на общей карте.
• Last update we messed up wheel physics on a number of levels - we've now corrected that
• Now also makes more clear when wheels have no power
• Tool tip menu - Added tool tips to the UI to make it less cryptic
• Increased wheel friction, less sliding
• Stronger creations - Increased the amount of velocity needed to break stuff by about 50%
• Fixed weapon firing colliding with own vehicle
• Added 'rotate' menu option, to rotate parts besides the middle mouse button
Big changes:
• New wheel physics: a lot more stable, dynamic. Also just faster and more fun. Let us know if any of your creations have problems with the new wheels!
• Completely new UI graphics
• New shaders / effects
• Impact/crash sounds
• A LOT of adjustments to the challenge levels. Some taken out based on changes to the physics, others just because people didn't like them - and changed them to new flying challenges / other new stuff
• Performance increases (especially during crashes and explosions)
• New camera system - now collides with the ground, follows creations better (depending on if they are moving on wheels, or in air with a plane tail)
v0.185 Build 13.08.2015:
• Fixed bug with parts being rotated to last added part rotation
• Fixed issue with Ignition Rocket on first play attempt
• Inventory disappearing in Sandbox Mode Bug fixed
v0.15 Build 28.02.2015:
• Biggest change we've made is adding Steam workshop support. You can now save to workshop directly from any of the Sandbox levels.
• We've completely redone the UI. Way better menus, load / save screens, inventory, etc - and a new help screen
• Besides the UI and Steam interpretation, we've been changing a lot of the game's engine to prepare it for our future plans. We are hoping our next update will include online support, which is still in development.
• After reading community feedback, we decided to open up all Sandbox items. No unlocking process anymore
• A number of avatar mode fixes, now default in Sandbox. Now same scale as before. Character now goes into ragdoll for crash, then gets up on hitting Enter
• 'Featured' offline creations in Sandbox mode, replacing the old online system
• 10 new parts to build with
• New particle effects
• More graphic options in menu
• UI Sounds
v0.13 Build 16.12.2014:
• We've added 13 new challenge levels (for a total of 50), and now split the single player challenges into separate 'solar systems'. So if you get stuck in a particularly hard one, you can go to another solar system to pass it's challenges. The challenges selection should also now be a lot easier to navigate.
• Largest Sandbox change is in addition to a new level, there is now 'Avatar' third person mode. In Avatar mode you can run around the level as the spaceman character, and start creating and piloting your creation where ever you want. This is also how we see possible future multiplayer game modes working. Right now the third person Spaceman is just the regular model.
• Flight physics! We now added proper aerodynamic flight physics. To use them add 'Wing' entities, then a tail to control the wings. We've uploaded a few of our own creations if you want to try them.
• Better destruction physics. Parts will now break apart into pieces for crashes - and large vehicles will now break apart better in large crashes.
• New parts include:
• Piston: Infinite length currently
• Ignition Rocket
• Monster Wheels
• Tank Tracks
• Remote Detonate Explosives
• Dozer Bucket
• Crane Hook
• Parachute
• Landing Gear
• Wrecking Ball
• Fork Lift
Other new additions:
• Can now rotate the creation with arrow keys in Sandbox
• Auto follow Camera system, best with flying
v0.12 Build 24.10.2014:
• Large optimizations to Sandbox mode, and editing large creations
• New Sandbox Level: Galactic park, and Sandbox level selection screen
• New Sandbox parts: Side Propeller, Wrecking ball, Bouncer, Artillery Cannon, Battle Axe, External batteries/fuel/ammo, Crusher, Phaser Weapon, Grenade Launcher, and more than ten new cosmetic parts and plates
• Fixed error with more than 2 creations saved in Sandbox
• Changes to inventory screen in Sandbox
v0.1181 Build 15.10.2014:
• 8 New Levels: Temple Ruins, Catapult, Weapons Course, Tongue, Cosmic Worm, Ice Lake, Roach Belly, Crystal Hunt
• 40 new vehicle parts in Sandbox. Including a Atom Bomb, Ski Blades for easy gliding on terrain, Spearhead Drill, and lots of new cosmetic options
• Alot of fixes to Connector joints / submelders
• Fixed error with weapons and using all ammo at once
• A number of fixes to broken Star Challenges
• We've reordered some of the later levels around, so if you have gotten passed the Propeller Jump level you might have access to new levels before your current level
• Lots of optimizations to Sandbox
• Removed performance hurting liquid particles from broken fuel / batteries
• fixed bug causing sandbox stars to not unlock unless campaign screen was entered
• some better icon textures, more consistent
• Ragdoll hit terrain sounds
• Now checks if a ground connector is actually connected to the ground for it to work
• added roof and side bits to tinyhole to prevent easy rocket solutions
• wheels can now be put upside down on vehicles, on the top of them.
v0.11 Build 04.10.2014:
• 6 New Challenge Levels: Steep Spine, Daredevil's Ramp, Spinning Gardens, Smashed Planet, Antigrav Blob, Tiny Hole
• New main menu
• 5 new human character models, right now just in sandbox
• New part: Hoverpad, with adjustable height / force, uses electric power
• Water physics - Water actually has buoyancy in Sandbox
• Arrow structures placed in challenges to help show direction the checkpoint is
• Lots of new structures in Sandbox
• craft mode particle effects for boosters/thrusters/hoverpads to show their powered
• new Sandbox plates with various colors / graphics
• Level complete time is now independent of the speed selection, so you cant 'cheat' time challenges by slowing down time and being more precise
• Fixed error with power over 100% not saving
• Whenever a connected rotator rotates, it now updates the body's center of mass
• Now displays power input, and total force, in edit ent window (so you can see your changes)
• displays balloon up force in ent info window, and it's edit window
• Narrow Sqeeze level is now more of a sqeeze
Autocraft is a physics based puzzle/sandbox game about building complex machines to accomplish objectives.
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