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Скачать бесплатную игру Complex DOOM v27b2 - торрент

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Игру добавил Kusko [2514|32] | 2025-02-02 (обновлено) | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3892) | Просмотров: 4089

Complex DOOM v27b2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от styd051 (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3892); Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (649)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 106.10 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Doom Slayer Chronicles v1.0.1
- Siren v0.86
- Ali's Brutal Doom v0.8b
- BlooM
- Call of DOOM Black Warfare v2
- Brutal Doom: Kickass Edition v4.1
- Live Through DOOM (LiTDOOM) v0.595c
- Doom Remake 4 v1.21 Rus
- Counter-Strike Doom: Martian Offensive v22.11.21
- Rexuiz v2.5.4-240915
- DoomRPG Rebalance v1.34 08.03.2024
- Doom Exp v2.5.1
- Doom Fighters v0.4b
- DOOM 64 CE v3.11.1
- Brutal Doom Platinum v4.0
- Reelism 2 v1.23

Complex Doom - возможно самый сложный и рандомизированный мод для Doom, который заменяет врагов, оружие, предметы и т.д. на более новые версии. Враги становятся сильнее, их появление случайным (например, вы можете встретить самых мощных врагов из последних уровней на первых), а оружие требует перезарядки и так далее. Он также добавляет спецэффекты, чтобы всё выглядело красивее.

Игра обновлена до v27b2. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

(+) Fixed an oversight on the SSG & QSG inspects. The animations couldnt be
cancelled with altfire, now they can.
(+) Improved the QSG reload animations a bit more by adding some extra frames,
its a little bit less clunky now.
(+) Tweaked Railgun zombie, at longer ranges it takes him longer to "aim".
(+) Changed the player marine Rocket Launcher skin sprites.
(+) Players can now use the Reload key. Altfire still works as before so this
change is optional. Again, this was requested for some time.
(+) Players can now replace their armor with better armor. Before, when you were
holding say, 250 green armor, you couldnt pick up blue armor. Now you can.
This goes the same for green armor and if you are carrying 100+ starting
vest armor or even no armor (armor bonuses only) at all.
(+) Tweaked Armor.SavePercent on the three major armor types, buffed them
(+) Added another CVAR, players can now toggle the weapon fire screen shake
effect by using "cd_disablescreenshake". 0 is default, shaking on and 1
disables it. It can be toggled in the Mod Setup menu or through console with
the command.
(+) Players can now individually toggle the Effects Throttle during online play
instead of it being a forced serverside setting. Note to offline players, set
the global setting to offline in the Mod Setup menu if you want to use Effects
(+) Added a CVAR to disable the Marauder spawning on zombies, "cd_nomarauder".
By default this is off so he will spawn as intended.
(+) Added yet another CVAR, "cd_keeppistol". When enabled this allows players to
keep their Pistol when the Revolver upgrade is taken. Also, the Revolver is
its own weapon actor now instead of being integrated in the Pistol decorate.
(+) Player crouch sprites now work.
(+) Changed Weapon Upgrade Box a bit, you now have to actually press use to open
them. Made some new sprites for it too and it has a looping sound so its
easier to find amongst corpses.
(+) Upgrades now have messages appear, telling players what weapons are needed
for whatever upgrade they touch also if they already own an upgrade.
(+) Fixed ammo items moving around after they are picked up and respawn. However,
for this to work the item respawn DMFLAG MUST be enabled on whatever port you
are using, where as before it was not needed. Enable the item respawn DMFLAG
through the port and have the mods "cd_ammorespawn" CVAR set to 1.
(+) Fixed the Radsuit moving around after it respawns.
(+) Very slightly reduced the Terminator Minigun heat gain during firing.
(+) Replaced the placeholder Quick Hands perk sprites. Also, the perk is now
known as Adrenaline. Gives the same effect (increased weapon switch speed),
I just renamed it to something more fitting.
(+) Added a new perk, Scavenger. It allows players to get a bit more ammo from
all non-dropped ammo pickups. This doesnt include Grenade, Mine or Demon
ammo, though I can change this at any time. Also, both Backpacks are not
affected by this either.
(+) Added another new perk, Toughness. Once grabbed it will give 10% resistance
to all damage taken.
(+) Added yet another new perk, Restoration. It allows players to gain a little
extra health from Stimpacks, Medkits and Health Bonuses.
(+) The way perks are gained is either a Annihilator or a Demolisher (tier 1
bosses) will drop a Perk Globe with 50% chance. The Globe is breakable by
damaging it and the perk it drops depends on which perk is shown when the
Globe is broken.
(+) Perk indicators now show up on both HUDs when they are taken.
(+) Added one last perk, Frenzy. When held it allows players to deal 10% extra
(+) Fixed a multitude of minior issues and oversights thanks to WaTaKiD testing

Complex Doom is a mod for the game "doom". It replaces the enemies, weapons, items, etc. with newer versions. The enemies are stronger, the weapons need reloading and so on. It also adds special effects to make it look prettier. Zdoom (or one of it's forks like gzdoom or zandronum.) is required in order to play since complex doom uses DECORATE.

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Комментарии игроков (0 шт.)

От: gay_developer [8|9] | Дата 2021-08-14 00:13:52
