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Скачать игру The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight [Steam Early Acces] v1.9.1 - игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Elektra [7719|138] | 2015-12-08 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3933) | Просмотров: 9862

The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight [Steam Early Acces] v1.9.1

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от alpha six productions (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3933)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 134.77 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

• Похожие игры:
- Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove v4.1

The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight - сверхбыстрый и сверхдинамичный платформер о рыцаре, сражающегося за справедливость при помощи силы реактивного движка и огромного бура.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.9 до v1.9.1. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Язык: Английский.

Список изменений здесь.
• Countering systems have been given a massive improvement, making performing parries much easier
• A huge collection of extremely varied customizable equipment has been added
• We've added many new levels and enemies, and old familiar enemies have all been revised and updated in many ways
• Players can now pick up and throw weapons that enemies drop, adding an additional dynamic to combat!
• A brand-new control options system that is heavily improved over the old clunky Profile Menu
• The demo has been updated to the latest version!
• An all-new "Arcade Mode" that challenges you to play through every level in one go!
• Multiplayer has returned! Play with 2-4 players in intense competitive combat, or take your friends with you in the Arcade Mode challenge and save the world together!
The Main Game - Campaign
• new levels, changes to existing levels (adding rooms, secrets, etc), new platforming mechanics, more updates to presentation
Motor Combat - Versus Mode
• new characters, new modes, more options, new maps
The Dark Palace - Survival Mode
• new floors and floor arrangements, eventually building to an enormous, extremely difficult survival challenge mode with over 100 floors
Various Other Things
• new experimental modes, unique in-game special events, special equipment, seasonal updates, more options for sound, visual and play customization
• 3 new characters (1 returning character)
• arcade / endurance mode with up to 4 players, totaling about 30-45 minutes through 20 levels
• Motor Combat is back
• A ton of enhancements to general combat
• Updated enemy AI
• Completely re-formatted overworld
• new background art
• HUGE system optimizations (the game now runs at a full 60 even on my ultra-crappy laptop!)
• Lots and lots of system optimizations to make the game run faster
• Difficulty system has been re-instated
• Profile system update to make menus slightly less cumbersome (we're in the middle of a FULL re-build but we didn't have time to get it in this update)
• A brand new <BURST-COUNTER> move is now available after successfully parrying an enemy
• Massive updates to enemy AI and attack patterns
• Major stat rebalancing for the whole cast
• A ton of visual updates
• The Control Wizard is Back! Custom key binding is now available
• Controller support has been expanded; Joylancer now supports legacy gamepads and joysticks!
• World Map has been re-enabled
• A few new levels have been added
• The Dark Palace has returned; amount of palaces increased to 2 (each one has 10 waves)
• Parry / Counter system has been massively updated and is far more precise
• "Perfect-Counter" now available; perform a counter attack with perfect timing to automatically perform a Drive-Counter
• Projectile deflection has been massively improved
• A new 1st Battalion boss has been added
• Multiple new enemies have been added
• General system improvements & optimizations for speed
• New "FPS" switch that can drop the game into 30FPS and maintain proper game speed; try this out if you're experiencing slowdown
• All enemies have been massively updated
• Hitbox system has been completely re-worked
• Tutorials are in need of overhaul again; we're working on it
• Pscilovoid enemy has been temporarily taken out (currently being re-animated)
• Difficulties have been pulled out of this release while we re-write the system
• Motor Combat is still unavailable at the moment, cleaning out bugs and making sure the systems are balanced
The Main Game - Campaign
• new levels, changes to existing levels (adding rooms, secrets, etc), new platforming mechanics, more updates to presentation
Motor Combat - Versus Mode
• new characters, new modes, more options, new maps
The Dark Palace - Survival Mode
• new floors and floor arrangements, eventually building to an enormous, extremely difficult survival challenge mode with over 100 floors
Various Other Things
• new experimental modes, unique in-game special events, special equipment, seasonal updates, more options for sound, visual and play customization
• Welcome Back To Antoria! -- v1.5 Release: Updating Again Very Soon!
• Brand-New Palette Rendering System! (replaces RGB-style color system)
• Profile system given major update
• Controller Binding menu added to Profile menu; press Select on Player 1 (SELECT on Pad, Shift on Keyboard) to configure all players' proper pad / keyboard setup
• Area 1 maps have been overhauled again -- level layouts, arrangements, and enemy placements are still not final
• Tutorial has been rehauled
• Soundtrack has been updated
• CONTROLS: New technique "Quick-Burst" has been added; press Up+Jump OR Up+Attack to perform a Burst-Jump
• Up+Jump / Up+Attack inputs can now be used to fire off a Burst-Jump mid-charge; currently balancing out equipment pieces to replace Quick-Burst with Burst-Jump
• New animations have been added for Drive-Counters
• Effects of some techniques have been altered slightly
• Holding Down+Attack will now continuously perform Rev-Ups!
• Taunt function moved to Select button
• Final taunt causing game crash
• BOSSES: A new boss has entered the land of Antoria! Challenge the PSCILOVOID! (beta version)
• BOSSES: Can you survive the onslaught of the Ultimate Mage King? KING ROSELL THE INVINCIBLE accepts your challenge! (beta version; survival match)
• ENEMIES: Rosello Lancer given immunity to Clash-Counter on 1st swing; counter the 2nd swing to score the grab!
• Rosello Knight has additional armored form (purple armor)
• Rosello Lancer has additional un-armored form (orange armor)
• Axe Knight needs a bit more work on hitboxes + axe throw; will be hotfixing soon
• Dark Palace Mode temporarily disabled; will be hotfixing soon
• World Map temporarily disabled; will be hotfixing soon
• Motor Combat temporarily disabled; will be hotfixing soon
• Damage values are unbalanced at the moment; will be hotfixing soon
• Some goofy options menu selections haven't been updated or fixed up yet; we're working on it!

After 256 years of peace in the lands of Antoria...

the ROSELIAN ARMY OF BATRATHYM has risen up once more to attempt to reclaim the land of ANTORIA that they lost in the 43rd War of Darkness.
Threatening to start War of Darkness 44, KING LANCELOT BARTHOLOMEW ROSELL of the ROSELIAN EMPIRE sends his beasts through the lands, corrupting and destroying everything in their path.

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Комментарии игроков (10 шт.)

От: ScrewAttack [74|213] | Дата 2015-09-01 18:45:16

Чтож, думаю попробую.
Ребят, ну как, играбельно?
От: Ensight [1|10] | Дата 2015-05-21 08:01:48


MisterJoyPad сказал:

подобные 8битные аркады ваще улёт,не нужны мне ни какие кризисы и прочие...

полностью поддерживаю, игры с такой графикой самые лучшие
этакая "телепортация" в старое время)
От: dz_greka [1|2] | Дата 2015-03-13 13:54:48

как в ней играть в кооп или мультиплеер?
От: OldGarry [92|82] | Дата 2015-03-08 18:00:55


nemo67 сказал:

Снова и снова разрабы скупятся на "квадратики" в играх((Нафига мне тогда мой шестиядерник и гиг на видюхе!?А в прошлом веке игрухоклепатели старались не показывать такие поделки даже близким друзьям))!Что то в головах случилось у разрабов,или чувство меры и красоты потеряли..

А у тебя ТАК мал выбор- что приходиться давиться играми без ГРАФОНА?
От: GRIN_EDIS [5|36] | Дата 2015-03-08 14:17:13

От: visehack [0|0] | Дата 2015-03-08 11:52:08


visehack подумал несколько секунд и добавил:

От: MisterJoyPad [1|75] | Дата 2015-03-07 11:58:32

У меня комп тоже не плох,на столько что аж старые игры не идут порой,а вот подобные 8битные аркады ваще улёт,не нужны мне ни какие кризисы и прочие...
От: war101 [14|43] | Дата 2015-03-07 09:44:21

nemo67,свой шестиядерник и гиг на видюхе нужно напрягать несколько другими играми,и да,их нету на small-games,иди на big-games
От: nemo67 [9|0] | Дата 2015-01-25 11:40:49

Снова и снова разрабы скупятся на "квадратики" в играх((Нафига мне тогда мой шестиядерник и гиг на видюхе!?А в прошлом веке игрухоклепатели старались не показывать такие поделки даже близким друзьям))!Что то в головах случилось у разрабов,или чувство меры и красоты потеряли..
От: Captain_Luna [566|66] | Дата 2015-01-24 15:31:22

А бур, должно быть, ПРОНЗАЮЩИЙ НЕБЕСА, да?


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