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Скачать игру Bound to Light v0.2 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2470|32] | 2017-11-25 (обновлено) | Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6035) | Просмотров: 2412

Bound to Light v0.2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от BabloonStudios (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6035); Головоломки, пазлы (2971)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 97.30 Мб.

Bound to Light - атмосферная адвенчура-головоломка, в которой вы будете спасать души, обмениваться телами и решать головоломки, избегая при этом монстров скрывающихся в темноте.

Игра обновлена до v0.2. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Вы контролируете таинственное светящееся существо, которое пробирается сквозь развалины лабиринтообразного храма. Многие комнаты, в которые вы входите, требуют нажатия на наземные плиты, а иногда будет необходимо нажать одновременно на сразу несколько разных плит, что довольно проблематично, учитывая, что у вас под контролем всего один персонаж, но у вас есть способность завладевать другими телами.

Головоломки в Bound to Light довольно сложные, и вас может застать несколько неприятных сюрпризов, когда появляются теневые монстры, похожие на волка. Вы очень слабы и беззащитны против монстров, поэтому вам нужно быть скрытными и использовать способность, чтобы пройти мимо них - или если всё остальное не работает, просто бегите как угорелые!

Хоть Bound to Light ещё находится на этапе разработки, игра уже впечатляет своей оригинальной концепцией смены тел и головоломками на основе стелса, а также темной клаустрофобический атмосферой. Если вы ищете стильную и сложную головоломку с сюжетом, то Bound to Light обязательно вас порадует.

• Squashed too many bugs to count, some notable fixes are:
• Enemy behaviour is more consistent and less punishing, no more beasts teleporting through walls!
• Movable blocks should no longer get stuck on edges
• Lux will attempt to defy the laws of physics less often when falling from ledges, although it was kind of cool to look at in the end we did not want it in the game.

• We’ve done some tweaking to the visual style of the majority of the puzzles, this includes new assets & updates visual effects.
• Updated some animations, added some new animations.

• More spooky ambient sounds throughout the game.
• Updated sound effects, added new sound effects, just listen to that swap!

• We’ve re-designed almost all of the puzzles in the game, these changes vary from minor clarification changes to complete re-designs, try it out and see for yourselves!
• Some doors have been replaced with barred doors, this change was to make it easier to see what will happen when certain doors are opened.
• Added new runes that appear in puzzles, see if you can figure out what they mean!
• Lux can no longer throw rocks. This feature was something that we initially thought would be a great addition but ultimately did not fit in with the rest of the game (it also made development of enemies trickier), therefore we decided to not keep it in the game.
• You can now look around with the camera using right-stick on controller or moving the mouse when using keyboard and mouse.

Bound to Light is an atmospheric and claustrophobic adventure in which you creep about, saving souls, swapping between bodies and solving puzzles while avoiding the monsters that lurk in the darkness.

In Bound to Light you control a mysterious being of light who it making their way through the ruins of a labyrinthine temple. A lot of the rooms you enter will require pressure pads to be pressed on the ground, often requiring multiple to be pressed at once – this would be a problem as there’s only one of you, but you do have the ability to possess husks, command them to move or stay put, and even transfer your soul into them and take direct control of them.

The puzzles in Bound to Light can get pretty tricky and there are a few nasty surprises once the shadowy wolf-like monsters show up. You’re pretty weak and defenseless against the monsters, so you have to use stealth, cunning and the husks to get past them – or if all else fails just run like hell!

It’s still very early in development but Bound to Light already impresses with its inventive mix of body swapping and stealth-based puzzle gameplay and the dark, claustrophobic atmosphere as you sneak about in the deadly ruins. If you’re looking for a stylish and cerebral bit of puzzle based adventuring Bound to Light is bound to delight.

• Movement - wasd / left stick (controller)
• Sprint* - shift (hold) / A (controller)
*=makes sound and attracts enemies to your location so be careful
• Interact** - spacebar / X (controller)
**=Interact with husk to possess them, interact again to issue them to stay put.
• Swap*** - C / Y(controller)
***=You need to posses a Husk to have something to swap positions with
• Toggle between Husks - Q and E / RB and LB (controller)
• Aim Rock Throw - TAB / RT (controller), press key again to leave aim mode.
• Throw Rock (while in aim mode) - Space or LMB / X (controller)

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