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Профиль пользователя sinoth

Дата регистрации: 2011-04-12 22:42:16

От dimakop [7|8]: cool game
Новость: Nebulous
Дата: 2011-04-23 15:08:34

От gamevoin [36|22]: Good man!
Новость: Nebulous
Дата: 2011-04-18 15:09:57

От Shellias [16|20]: Thanks for cool game! =)
Новость: Nebulous
Дата: 2011-04-14 11:09:45

От Norble2 [166|60]: Thanks for Game=)
Новость: Nebulous
Дата: 2011-04-14 10:34:48

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Комментарии пользователя (2 шт.)

Nebulous | Дата 2011-04-13 19:56:57

Daveniche: Malchemist is two people, sinoth and buub0nik. Proof here: http://malchemistgames.com/about

john2s: New levels as we make them, hopefully next one in a few weeks :) Can sign up for beta testing here: http://malchemistgames.com/nebulous-beta
Nebulous | Дата 2011-04-12 23:00:43

Hi guys, I am the game developer! This is the beta of our game, so it has only one level. If you want to follow development, check out http://malchemistgames.com We will post updates there :) Sorry I cannot speak Russian, so Google Translate is doing the work...