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Скачать игру Pocket Rumble v0.4.5.3 [Steam Early Access] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 10
Игру добавил John2s [11534|1666] | 2020-12-26 (обновлено) | Файтинги (611) | Просмотров: 4697

Pocket Rumble v0.4.5.3 [Steam Early Access]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Cardboard Robot Games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Файтинги (611)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 47.13 Мб.

Pocket Rumble - увлекательный пиксельный файтинг с 2-кнопочным управлением, где вы сможете сражаться со множеством персонажей из различных игр!

Игра обновлена с версии 0.3.4 до Список изменений можно посмотреть здесь.

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Особенности игры:
* Простое 2-кнопочное управление и универсальные спецдвижения
* Короткие комбо с легким таймингом и простой системой отмены
* Панели данных и визуальные индикаторы параметров на экране, которые помогут игроку понять механику фантинга и принцип действия различных движений
* Простая система здоровья и повреждений: Все персонажи имеют 12 единиц здоровья и все удары наносят 1 повреждение
* Разнообразный состав персонажей, каждый с уникальными параметрами и механикой
* Быстро меняйте персонажей после проигранного раунда, чтобы не снижать темп игры
* Практически безупречный онлайн режим

Pocket Rumble is a streamlined, beginner-friendly 2D fighting game inspired by SNK's classic fighters for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. It retains all the gameplay elements that make traditional Street Fighter-style fighters great, but reduces the level of execution and memorization necessary to the bare minimum. That way experienced players can learn the game fast and be able to focus on deeper elements of strategy and mindgames, new players can learn the ins and outs of fighting games without being overwhelmed, and everyone can get their skills to a competitive level without too much grinding alone in training mode.

Simple, 2-button controls and universal, easy special move inputs with no complex joystick motions
Short combos with easy timing and a straightforward cancel system
On-screen frame data bar and visual indicators for properties like invulnerability help players understand fighting game mechanics and how individual moves work
Simple, unambiguous health and damage system: All characters have 12 HP and all hits do 1 damage
Diverse cast of characters each with their own unique meter and mechanics
Quickly swap characters after a lost round to counterpick, just like between matches in a tournament, without slowing down the pace of the match
Near-flawless online multiplayer with GGPO netcode
Full Steam Workshop mod support including the ability to play mods online with friends

Offline Modes:
Arcade: Face off against the rest of the game's cast, meet special parameters and complete challenges to earn achievements and unlocks, and even go up against a cast of secret cameo bosses from other games including:
Kick from Divekick
Fencer from Nidhogg
Dust from Dust: An Elysian Tale
The Kid from I Wanna Be the Guy
Candyman from Lethal League
Joy from Joylancer
Wryn from Bleed
Ace from Aces Wild
Versus: Play local matches with friends or the CPU, and get competitive with hidden cursors for double-blind character select at the touch of a button
Career: Take part in fictional fighting game tournaments around the globe, playing against AIs based on some of Pocket Rumble's top players from the beta, and eventually facing off against AIs from some familiar faces in the FGC
Lessons: Robust tutorials that teach you everything from the very basics of how fighting games work to in-depth matchup specific strategies
Training: A fully-featured training mode with a variety of hotkeys and options including viewable hitboxes, save states, dummy recording and more

Online Modes:
Ranked: Get matched up with players of your skill level online, earn points and rank up with Elo ratings, leaderboards including character-specific rankings, and a rematch button to challenge someone to an unranked set when you need that runback
The Lab: Play unranked matches for fun with a variety of special rulesets, match conditions, stage hazards, and other random modifiers
Ghosts: Ghost AI records in-depth statistics from your ranked matches and creates an AI other players can download that emulates your playstyle

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: Ildar-G [1|0] | Дата 2018-04-04 00:14:49

Вышла 0.4.5!
Обновите пожалуйста!!
От: llcollapsell [5|7] | Дата 2017-03-11 22:23:46

Жду фул версию! Оформление просто шик!