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Скачать игру Black Paradox v0.3 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 109
Игру добавил Kusko [2471|32] | 2018-08-10 (обновлено) | Леталки, скроллеры (1026) | Просмотров: 4284

Black Paradox v0.3

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от fantasticostudio (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1026); Текстовые, Roguelike (1519)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 111.60 Мб.

Black Paradox - roguelike-shoot 'em up, в котором игроку предстоит прорваться через вражеские орды, метеориты, опасности и сразиться с семью боссами. Игроку будет доступно много оружия, а каждый побежденный босс подарит вам бонусы или дронов, которые помогут вам в будущем. Собирая деньги (вознаграждения за головы врагов), игрок сможет улучшить свой космический корабль с помощью чипов. Чипы будут улучшать базовые характеристики корабля и придавать ему особые способности, такие как исцеление со временем или возможность стрелять ракетами.

Игра обновлена до v0.3. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Всего существует 6 различных чипов с разным уровнем качества:
• Repair Chip
• Shield Chip
• Dodge Chip
• Triple Shot Chip
• Missile Chip
• Rear Shot chip

В игре будет кооперативный режим, где второй игрок сможет присоединиться к квесту, чтобы победить Hellraisers. Второй игрок будет играть в роли Orange Paradox - варианта Black Paradox из другого измерения.

Год 5027, человечество покорило всю галактику, но правительство Земли не может контролировать свои многочисленные территории. Многие космические преступники безнаказанно грабят любую бедную душу, которой не повезло попасть в их руки.

Единственные, кто пытается поддерживать порядок, - охотники за головами, они охотятся за особо разыскиваемыми преступниками, чтобы нажиться на их головах.

Black Paradox самый крутой охотник в галактике, наконец, решает разобраться с самой большой преступной группировкой в галактике называемой Hellraiser, которая контролирует многие звездные системы. Для этого ему нужно сначала разобраться с шестью лейтенантами-приспешниками лидера группировки Quantum Black.

Будет ли его машина Star Phoenix оснащена экспериментальной технологией, способной управлять пространством и временем, чтобы разобраться со всей армией Hellraiser?

New contents

• So we have a new weapon, a new Powerup and a new Drone!
• I won’t spoil you the effects, just know they’re all uncommon, so you might not find them right away.

The names are:
• Weapon: Geyser
• Powerup: Paradoxal Rage

• This time around we’ve buffed some of the less useful weapons, buffed a chip’s effect and buffed a couple enemy waves that were underpowered and all around done some slight changes. I’ll go into more detail into the Patch Notes.
• Our focus on balance was on weapons and chips this time around.
• As far as weapons goes we buffed the darts punk and nerfed a few too powerful ones such as the laser and the hedgehog (I’ve personally seen players reach the last boss with just a couple chips and the hedgehog…).

• Fixed some minor bugs. Again, read the Patch Notes for more info!

Patch Notes

• Dodge chip’s effect has been doubled. Now max dodge caps at 40% with all max level dodge chips. I’m thinking of maybe buffing it further if it’s still not viable as a build.
• Chip’s shop randomizer is now more likely to select stronger chips.
• Triple shot chip change has been doubled. Now the max amount is 40% triple shot chance.
• Rear Shot chip chance has been increased by 50%. Now the max amount is 60% rear shot chance.

• Weapon Geyser added!
• Item Paradoxal Rage added!
• Drone “What the Drone?” added!
• Granade Launcher’s damage has been slightly increased.
• Railgun’s damage has been slightly increased.
• Hedgehog’s damage has been slightly decreased.
• Tesla’s bounce damage now decreases less per bounce (from 20% per bounce to 15%).
• When firing a weapon that slows you down you can’t rapid tap the button to avoid slowing down anymore. the slow down persists for a fraction of the recharge time.
• Blade drone’s damage has been increased and its collider is now slightly bigger, making it a more viable powerup.
• Item Life Hack added!
• Charge Shot now charges its effect faster.
• Darts Punk now slows the players slightly less and has les delay from when the bullet is fired and when it takes off.
• Tesla now deals more damage on the first hit, then decreases the damage on each bounce.
• Laser damage has been nerfed.
• Hedgehog has slightly longer cooldown.

Enemies and bosses
• A few late game waves had long wait time between enemies. Made it a little shorter to avoid moments when there are no enemies.
• Enemies coming from the back of the player had their healt reduced.
• Some enemies that come from behind used to stop too far on the left area and couldn’t be shot at. Now they stop slightly further.
• Bosses now deal slightly more “contact damage” than regular enemies.
• Warlock uses his rings attack only when lower than 50% health.
• After shooting missiles Shadow waits less before its next attack.
• The machinegun deals a bit more damages.

• The game only had so many backgrounds… Well we added more! there’s a whole new set of cool bagrounds that can appear in the game! Hope you like them and are looking forward to more in the future, since we’re adding more in a few updates!

New Powerup
• The “Life Hack” is now available as a new powerup. I won’t spil the effect but let’s just say it’s pretty usefull… Hope to hear your opinions on it!

• New backgrounds!
• When starting a new level you no longer start with the base weapon - selected (still need to select the one you had, but for now it’s not the main one at least).
• Music doesn’t bug anymore when fast pressing retry on gameover screen.
• Main menu is now only controlled by player 1.
• When a controller gets removed game will pause even with 2 controllers attached.
• In Co-op mode when the first player dies there are less explosions as not to disturb the player left alive.
• In Co-op mode the player pausing the game is the one controlling the pause menu.
• If a controller gets disconnected the relative player will get keyboard controll assigned.

• Solved a bug that made background’s elements not appear correctly when playing.
• Some bosses had some sound effects that would get stuck. Still haven’t found out what makes them get stuck, but forced the sound to shut down after a few seconds of getting stuck.
• Drone: What The Drone?

Year 5027, humanity has conquered all of the galaxy, but Earth's government isn't able to keep its many territories under control. Many space criminals rage freely and plunder any poor soul unlucky enough to get in their aims.

The only ones trying to maintain order are the bounty hunters, hunting down wanted criminals to cash in the bounty on their heads.

Black Paradox, the toughest hunter in the galaxy, finally decides to shut down the biggest family around, the Hellraisers, a group of warlords controlling many star systems, and to catch its six lieutenants and its leader, Quantum Black.

Will his vehicle, the Star Phoenix, equipped with experimental technology capable of controlling space and time be enough to fight off the Hellraiser's whole army?

Black Paradox is a Roguelike-Shoot 'em up. The player will have to progress through enemy hordes, meteorites, hazards and beat the 7 bosses in the game.

The game will feature a Coop mode, where a second player will be able to join in the quest to defeat the Hellraisers. The second player will play as Orange Paradox, another dimension's version of Black Paradox.

As any good Shoot 'em up of course The player can also use a special power, the Black Paradox from which he gets his name, an ability to overlap realities and call another Black Paradox from another dimension to help out.

Many weapons will be available to the player, and every boss defeated will drop powerups or drones to help out the player.

By collecting money (the bounty on each enemy's head), the player will be able to upgrade his spaceship with chips. Chips will both upgrade the ship's base stats and give it a special power, such as healing over time or the chance to fire missiles when shooting.

There are 6 types of chips, each with different levels of power:
• Repair Chip
• Shield Chip
• Dodge Chip
• Triple Shot Chip
• Missile Chip
• Rear Shot chip

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Комментарии игроков (3 шт.)

От: w1488r [1|3] | Дата 2018-08-15 20:28:48

Погонять можно часочек легко, не самая сложная из своего жанра))) Имхо огнемет рулит
От: grawatm [23|14] | Дата 2018-07-18 15:09:27

в общем, в игре всего 1 уровень и 1 босс, но разнообразие и нелинейность позволят полтать с пол часика, час, самое эффектвное оружие на мой взгляд Swarm Gun.
От: wadsf212 [-1|10] | Дата 2018-07-17 22:26:38

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