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Скачать игру Enemy Mind v1.0u6 - полная версия

Рейтинг: 9.6 (5) | Баллы: 3
Игру добавил Elektra [7719|138] | 2015-02-20 (обновлено) | Леталки, скроллеры (1026) | Просмотров: 11761

Enemy Mind v1.0u6

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Schell games (6)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1026)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 78.80 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.6 из 10 (всего голосов: 5)

• Похожие игры:
- Steam and Metal v1.2
- Phoenix Force v1.6.4.0
- Hypership Out of Control v1.0

Enemy Mind — это ретро-шутер, в котором Вы играете за некую космическую сущность способную управлять практически любым объектом. Это удивительная способность "главного героя" выделяет эту игру из ряда других, Вы можете захватить фактически любой корабль соперника, использовать его по назначению и сменить на более новый. В игре Вас ожидает более 70 волн противников различной сложности.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.0u5 до v1.0u6. No idea what's updated.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Язык: Английский.

• We noticed yesterday that if you had lost your internet connection and the game attempted to push a score to the leaderboard it would put the game into a bad state and you would be forced to quit. We pushed a fix for this bug moments ago.
• Balanced and rebalanced and perfected and re-perfected the eight levels.
• Added a bunch of surprise unlockable features that you'll have to earn (one might be a flappy bird clone)
• Finished the boss battles.
• Made lots of improvments to the boss battles.
• The story is complete and even makes sense! Seriously, if you can stop shooting long enough, you'll like it.
• Optimizations that should allow the game to run more smoothly on low end machines.
• Introduced and, importantly, removed lots of bugs.
• Added leaderboards to each level and to the whole game and to everything else we could think of.
• Taught a Speak & Spell to say "Aratus."
• Made an awesome website[enemymindgame.com] where you can see the leaderboards.
• Added windowed mode, in case your screen is just too darned big.
• Slept very little.
• Replaced the boss fight music with really good boss fight music.
• Added dynamic explosions to the particle explosions so that our explosions could have explosions, because explosions.
• Added Xbox One Controller support.
Update 6:
• Tweaks to the end of game flow.
• The robot announcer now says "Level Complete" when a level is completed!
• Minor changes to all boss behavior.
• Different Space Debris for different environments
Update 5:
• Changes to some of the boss formations.
• New treatment for the end of game sequence.
• Modifications to some ship stats.
Update 4:
• You can change to windowed mode from the "Screen Settings" menu from the "Options" menu.
Update 3:
• Fixed the bug that occasionally caused the game to stop progressing to new waves.
• Players 2 through 4 no longer appear during the intro sequence when the game is restarted from the "game over" screen.
• Player ships no longer spawn directly on top of one another.
Update 2:
• Changes to the opening cinematic to make it more cinematastic.
• Changes to the boss intro sequence.
• New boss formations.
• Some level and craft rebalancing.
• Default buttons are now X to fire and A to jump. If you've already changed your config, it will NOT be overwritten by this update.
• Changed around the order of the background music tracks.
• Multiplier is no longer reset when you take a hit. It is now reduced by 1 instead.
• We are now being 50% less stingy with the extra lives.
Update 1:
• We’ve been listening to you and we’ve made some changes to the game that we think will really take it to the next level. We’ve made some significant changes to the jumping mechanic and it really feels like a whole new game.

A retro shooter with a new power: the power to become any ship.

Lost in the depths of space, you are a being of pure psychic energy with the uncanny power to take over and control anything you see in order to survive.

Built for PC, Enemy Mind lets you battle your way through 70+ waves of challenging enemies. Deftly maneuver over twenty unique ships, each with different abilities for you to harness. Backed by an all-new chip-emulated soundtrack by the psychoacoustic artist Rainbow Kitten, Enemy Mind features an adaptive story system as innovative as its gameplay. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Enemy Mind?

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Комментарии игроков (7 шт.)

От: HellBoy_UA [9|16] | Дата 2015-02-21 13:54:23

А можно ли сыграть в это игру вдвоём на одном компе? Я, вроде, слышал, что можно, но как так запустить я не знаю. Может подскажете ибо одному скучно летать.
От: aqdntfne [0|1] | Дата 2014-06-18 16:17:43

с юнита через двое суток качать...
с литепука лажа якася черный экран с колесом

хоть бы на депозит припудренный залили б
От: HellBoy_UA [9|16] | Дата 2014-06-05 00:30:43

Игру планируют выпустить уже в конце этой недели, так что ждём ребята.

HellBoy_UA думал несколько часов и добавил:

Хотя для большинства это даже не новость.
От: suriken2003 [5|10] | Дата 2014-04-26 10:00:09

способность "главного героя" выделяет эту игру из ряда других
Я таких уже милионы видел...

suriken2003 подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Litlebite и Unibytes...СУпер!(сарказм)
От: yan141 [251|196] | Дата 2014-04-04 21:58:14


petro106 сказал:

Видео я тоже посмотрел.

и что интересного ты там увидел.
От: petro106 [401|51] | Дата 2014-03-27 20:40:07

Видео я тоже посмотрел.
От: yan141 [251|196] | Дата 2014-03-27 18:22:07

по мне,так это обычная стрелялка,ничего более....