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Скачать сборник игр Vinnie's Side Games

Рейтинг: 10.0 (2)
Игру добавил olVin [2043|97] | 2010-06-24 | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3787) | Просмотров: 9490

Vinnie's Side Games

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Pyrozen (5) и Webcypher (3)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3787)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Сборник игр
• Размер / Size: 20.30 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

• Похожие игры:
- Shorty's Side Games
- Kiro's Side Games
- Sift Heads World Act 1- 7
- Sift Heads (Classic Original Series)

Vinnie's Shooting Yard – это подборка из шести флеш - игр (в стиле тир) про Vinnie, из серии Sift Heads и её продолжения Sift Heads World.

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Эти игры о том, как Vinnie тренируется быстро и точно стрелять по мишеням. Выбирайте понравившееся оружие, внимательно следите по сторонам, и мгновенно нажимайте на курок. Стреляйте по мишеням (живым и манекенам) прямо в голову для набора наилучших очков.

• Vinnie's Shooting Yard v1.0
• Vinnie's Shooting Yard 2 v2.0
• Vinnie's Shooting Yard 3
• Vinnie's Shooting Yard 4
• Vinnie's Shooting Yard 5
• Vinnie's Rampage - Desert Road

Vinnie's Shooting Yard
You act in this game as Vinnie from the Sift Heads serie. You can play with a 9mm or a M16 Rifle. Compare High scores and have fun shooting around practicing on 'real' targets.
Vinnie's Shooting Yard 2
You act in this game as Vinnie from the Sift Heads serie. You can play with a 9mm, shotgun, shuriken and a M16 Rifle. Have fun shooting around practicing on 'real' targets and making high scores.
Vinnie's Shooting Yard 3
Vinnie's back with new weapons and some great action - shooting style gameplay! In this 3rd version of his shooting yard, you will be able to chose from 4 new types of weapons. A M82 Sniper Rifle with some hardcore .50 caliber and 3 others that, well, you'll se them in the game! Those 3 new weapons have a 'unique' style of their own. To this day, those wepons were unused in this serie.
Vinnie's Shooting Yard 4
Vinnie’s back and he’s ready to sift some more heads in Vinnie’s Shooting Yard 4. Practice your shooting skills with the choice of a Desert Eagle, a Dragunov or Shuriken stars. This new game offers incredible graphics, more heads to sift and 3D weapons... a first in this exciting series.
Vinnie's Shooting Yard 5
Vinnie has just completed an intense mission and now wants to sharpen his sifting skills! Sift as many heads as possible with your weapon of choice; Desert Eagle, Uzi, Shotgun, and Barret Sniper. Vinnie’s Shooting Yard 5 is the best game of this shooter series!
Vinnie's Rampage - Desert Road
Help Vinnie sift those responsible for ramming into his sweet Shelby! Sift some heads with the option of three weapons. A comeback to one of the original SiftHeads scenes.

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Комментарии игроков (5 шт.)

От: ssa [169|95] | Дата 2010-06-27 08:29:22

SiftHeads Rules
От: olVin [2043|97] | Дата 2010-06-26 14:01:16

Уже скоро будет.
От: whitewolfer [0|4] | Дата 2010-06-26 10:35:25

Еще осталось тебе выложить три флэшки про shorty, девушку главного героя, и тогда идеально будет))))))
От: whisper [17|3] | Дата 2010-06-24 21:16:06

SiftHeads теперь моя любимая серия флэш игр, olVin, что ты делашь со мной демон :) я не успеваю их все качать. Много их еще там у тебя в закромах? Спасибо за игры.
От: aLejkeee [329|98] | Дата 2010-06-24 17:04:20

Прикона =)