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Скачать игру Get To The Orange Door v0.2.1 [Steam Early Access] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 12
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2019-09-28 (обновлено) | Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3786) | Просмотров: 10255

Get To The Orange Door v0.2.1 [Steam Early Access]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от ArcadeCoin (1) и Arcade Coin (1) и Andrew Smith (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Тир, FPS, 3D-бродилки (3786)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 214.35 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Gun Timer [Alpha]

Get To The Orange Door - интересный FPS, основанный на уровнях, с элементами паркура и разными способами прохождения. На каждом уровне Вы должны добраться до оранжевой двери. Игроку предоставляются несколько способностей: замедление времени, клонирование себя же и телепортация.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 28.10.17 до 0.2.1. Список изменений можно узнать здесь.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity 5

Минимальные системные требования:
• ОС: Windows 7 and up
• Процессор: Intel i3 6100
• Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
• Видеокарта: Intel Integrated Graphics 530
• DirectX: Версии 9.0
• Место на диске: 2 GB
• Звуковая карта: A 1992 Gravis Ultrasound
• Дополнительно: Could easily run on lower settings, if not mid settings


Get To The Orange Door, an intense and adrenaline pumping parkour platforming First Person Shooter based around the neon and chrome retro-futurist aesthetic of the 80's. With a mix of classic and modern first person shooter mechanics, wall run, slide, clamber and dash around each level at supersonic speeds as you blow through enemies with unique weaponry and fluid movement mechanics. This is the Die Hard of modern indie FPS games.

But don't take my word for it! Try out the free demo over on the right before you purchase. I guarantee you will enjoy it.

Use a varying range of weaponry, from a sword that can deflect bullets all the way to two full auto extended magazine machine pistols that shoot heat seeking rounds. Vending machines and boxes scattered and hidden around each level will help you arm up and prepare for the coming action!

11 levels with five more to come before Content Update #1.
Four modes, Default, Ninja, Race, and Arena mode!
15 weapons to blow through enemies with!
A full parkour system based off of Titanfall 2 and Mirror's Edge movement mechanics. Dashing, double jumping, clambering, and wallrunning mechanics are all at your disposal.
Hidden health and parkour upgrades scattered along the levels.
Up to 48 enemy variations, each with different equipment, combat style, and aggressiveness.

Content update #1: MORE LEVELS

Adds more levels to the base game modes to extend playtime, as well as polishes up previously made levels.

Content update #2: GTTOD: ROGUE

Adds the IN PROGRESS game mode GTTOD Rogue into the playable modes. This is a fully featured Rogue Lite FPS mode for GTTOD which adds infinite replayablity in the shape of procedurally generated levels and enemy placements, as well as weapon purchasing between levels and perma death!

Content update #3: WEAPON UPDATE

This adds more weapons to the base game of GTTOD. These will be put in Grab-A-Gun Vending machines and hidden in crates through the main game, as well as being implemented into Rogue and Emission game modes. I plan on going crazy with this one. If there is anything I DO know, it is that shooting guns is fun, and the more guns the merrier. This will also bring a fully featured gun-range back into the game for anyone wanting to let loose on a bunch of targets and test out weapon mechanics.


The big one. This is the update which will have a fully featured Level editor and workshop support for anyone wanting to publish and share their hand-crafted levels with the world. I will be studying Level Editors from games such as Distance to bring a smooth and simple editor into the world of GTTOD. If you haven't taken a look at Distance, I really really recommend it! It is an incredible game.

I digress.

Content update #5: UP TO THE FANS

After every big content update is done, I still have room for one more mode, of which I will be asking fans to choose when we get to this point in development. It could be anything from an Open World map to fight and parkour in to a magic and harmless Fruppy Land. This will be the fan's choice.

We will see how THAT goes. God have mercy.


Through the course of development I will also be doing just some regular updates and patches to improve the game. Right now Controller Support, Mac and Linunx Support, a better options menu, and general polish and bug fixing are the top few on my list. As the game continues in development I assume this list will change and mold until the game is at a place where it is set for the final release. Any new bugs that pop up will be squashed, any areas of the game needing new polish will be drowned in nail shimmer.

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Комментарии игроков (6 шт.)

От: wladman [1|5] | Дата 2016-12-13 06:01:41

И вновь пародия на SuperHOT :D
От: AnderFan1 [0|1] | Дата 2016-12-10 10:10:24

супер пупер игра
От: groovyroop [0|2] | Дата 2016-10-16 15:16:57

годная стрелялка
От: Evgentimos [4|12] | Дата 2016-09-03 14:50:11

по стилю похож на mirrors edge
От: Wayss3 [0|1] | Дата 2016-09-03 14:04:15

Найс рофлы, если ты считаешь что перепрыгнуть через забор это элемент паркура...

Wayss3 подумал несколько секунд и добавил:

И сейчас бы сравнивать BF1 и инди-игру, в общем или в садик

Wayss3 думал около часа и добавил:

хотя это и есть элемент паркура
От: This_New_Sparta [113|86] | Дата 2016-09-03 10:49:46

Ну это !
Battlefield 1 лучше зарублюсь.)
Там тоже элементы паркура.))