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Скачать игру System Recovery v0.77d [Beta] - игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2015-09-25 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2188) | Просмотров: 3529

System Recovery v0.77d [Beta]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от PoshDan (1) и TakkaTakka (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2188); Сетевые / ХотСит (2286)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 81.17 Мб.

System Recovery - аркадный шутер с видом сверху на тему компьютерных вирусов. Покажите этим гадам, кто здесь реально контролирует ситуацию! Кроме того, в игре есть редактор уровней, где Вы можете создать свою миссию и отправить её друзьям!

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с бесплатной бетки v0.76b до ПЛАТНОЙ v0.77d BETA. Список изменений внутри.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Язык интерфейса: Английский

Системные требования:
• Operating System: Windows, Must be able to run Java version 7. (Linux and Mac versions are a possibility in the future)
• Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor
• Memory: 2 GB (XP) / 3GB (Vista and up) RAM
• Hard disk space: 1 GB free
• Video memory: 256 MB
• Video card: AMD/ATI Radeon 9500, NVIDIA GeForce 5 FX, Intel GMA 4500, or better, supporting OpenGL 2.0 or better
• Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse

Version 0.77d:
# Career

Nerfed boss health slightly for levels 1-5

# General

Added support for rebinding controls
Added controller support
Added interactive tutorials
Tweaked scrollbars in the UI, their nubs will now represent the scrolling area size
Tweaked dialogue interface to be more spacious and hide scrollbar when unnecessary
Tweaked weapon balance, starter weapons are now more equal, shotgun and zapgun are more powerful
Fixed a bug where dialogue portraits would get misaligned after resolution change
Fixed a minor error for the text on top of the health bar
Fixed a bug that made speed bonus on weapons become useless past a certain point

Version 0.77c:

# Career

Tweaked random level generator, map size should now always represent progress level
Rebalanced speedrunning to reflect new level size variance
Buffed boss health based on progress level
Shown actual health amount on boss healthbar to emphasize the difficulty of the fight
Enemy core spawn speed buffed in career to double
Player core spawn speed buffed in career by 30%

# General

Added new explosion graphics
Added button hint to objective list to show it again during the session
Added visual feedback to capacitors' explosion radius
Capacitors in close vicinity will no longer explode all at once
Event zips can now drop cash (in career, the amount is based on progress level)
Various UI tweaks/fixes
Minor performance tweaks

Version 0.77b:

# Career

Added healthbar for boss fight
Nerfed Boss ~18% with its plasma attack and 25% with its spawn rate
Nerfed normal difficulty health regen to only work until 40% health
Boss is now limited to how many units it can have at once, adjusted by progress level
Boss now only spawns 3 healers in final stage on hard
Boss now doesn't get faster in stage 2 on easy
Tweaked level generation code to specify map size by progress level
Fixed a bug where level is declared clear but still had enemy cores

# General

Added a little polish all around
Added reduce difficulty button to defeat screen
Redesigned walls
Tweaked weapons, almost all of them had become more powerful
Some minor optimizations

Version 0.76b:

# Career

Added HUD display to show the difficulty level aswell as the factor of extra power the viruses get over time.
Added hardcore mode that resets progress to level 1 if the player dies.


Added new mission, "Virus Gate"

# General

Added difficulty settings
Added a number of achievements for hard difficulty modes and the career hardcore mode
Added Multiplayer menu. Use with care, it is for testing purposes only!
Added recoil from weapons and explosions, aswell as an option to toggle it off in the preferences menu
Optimized UI code slightly
Removed some unused assets

Version 0.75b:

# Career

Formerly "Campaign", now called Career mode
Tweaked difficulty modifiers: Now enemies have a bit less health on higher levels, but are faster.
Fixed a bug where level clearing wouldn't be acknowledged and yield no reward


Added challenges to missions that award a new currency, computer chips! These will have a use later on!

# General

Added speedrunning timer and option to toggle it on screen (in preferences menu)
Tweaked user interface: now it is more responsive, dialogue now has sound and animation
Tweaked graphics slightly, mostly in the form of new tiles
Prepared multiplayer for closed testing
Fixed some memory leaks

Version 0.72b:

# Campaign

Added tier 2 (work in progress)
Added a new base upgrade that unlocks and upgrades a companion drone which you can hire and equip
Added new weapons, most of which are available in tier 2
Added maptheme fallback: if enemy spawnpoints are missing from a room, enemy cores will randomly spawn from a pool
Nerfed enemy core spawn rate and maximum number of minions
Removed infection from treasure rooms

# General

Added campaign prologue mission
Optimized collision code for huge performance gain, especially on large levels with many entities
Optimized memory usage
Fixed bug in prologue intro mission where the player wasn't really paralyzed despite claiming to be

Version 0.71b:

Added floppy objects to shops in the campaign drone base
Added base upgrade to expand armoury
Added base upgrade to increase stock for boosts (now defaults to 0 stock)
Added new boost called "Overcharge"
Added more weapon choices to base weapon shop
Added quick currency view when standing next to a shop
Polished official mapthemes with more doodad spawns, doors for entry rooms in campaign
Added more weapons to the crazy8 level

System Recovery is a top-down-view arcade shooter with a computer virus theme. Time to show those nasties who's really in control!

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: ZeHeistY [1|2] | Дата 2015-06-19 09:54:25

А что делать с рекламой в LittleByte?
От: MrAnonymouse [119|282] | Дата 2015-06-19 09:35:17

По скриншотам выглядит неплохо. Будем пробовать.