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Скачать игру Strailton [Pre-Alpha 12] - игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2015-09-29 (обновлено) | Головоломки, пазлы (2972) | Просмотров: 2956

Strailton [Pre-Alpha 12]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Those Six Faces (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Головоломки, пазлы (2972)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 28.93 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

Strailton - пошаговая головоломка, где игрок должен перемещать свой кубик по уровню и закрасить все белые сегменты.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с Pre-Alpha 4 до Pre-Alpha 12. Список изменений внутри.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Язык интерфейса: Английский
Движок: Unity


+ Demo Mode
+ Levels >
+ Main 5 to 19
+ Skip Cutscene
/ Global Sounds (3D/Added Reverb)
/ Coins (Stronger Light)
- Jagged Quality


+ Levels >
+ Tutorial 1 to 5
+ Main 5
+ Loading Percentage
+ Dev Editor
+ Boundaries (Cannot fall out the side)
/ Quick Load/Save (Resized & New Animation)
/ Cutscenes (Faster)
/ Progress Bar (Hidden during startup)
/ Character (Rotates Smoothly)
/ Performance (Collision-based setup)
/ White Platforms (Easier to see)
/ Pause Sure Box (Smoother Animation)
/ Win/Death/Pause Menu (Recoded + DPad Controls)
/ Win Menu (Text easier to see)
- [Save without Loading]
- Border Overlay
- GUI Overlay
- Web Version


+ Dev Sidebar
+ Levels >
+ A to E
+ Main 1 to 4
+ Customise Shortcut
+ Coin Sounds
+ Quantum Gate
+ End Level Sequence
+ Generic Template
/ Message System (New Font)
/ Cam Rotate Controls (World Viewer Normalize)
/ Performance (Optimised Plat_OptHide Code)
- [Saving/Loading on Pressed Time Button]
- [Saving/Loading respawns ghost coins]
- [Pause Menu Sure Box button glitches]
- [WorldViewer flashes cursor]


+ Loading Sequence
+ Coloured Blocks
+ Cam Rotate Controls
/ Performance (Stable FPS, 60FPS Cap)
- [Idle Animation Froze]
- [Can't Quick Reset during starting sequence]
- [Saving/Loading Freezes Controls]
- [Saving/Loading on Event Narrator Freezes game]
- [Saving/Loading on Plat1 hides ghosts]
- [Gold Swinger on Load]


/ Performance (More Optimised Modifier FX)
+ Menu Presser
+ Win Menu
+ Starting Sequence
+ Block Shadows
+ Character Light
+ Sounds >
+ Breakhole
+ Gold_Plus
+ Move_Minus
/ QLoad_Plus
+ Rewind
+ NumIndicator
/ Event Narrator >
+ Key Inputs
/ Bugs fixed
+ Animation System
/ Gold Platforms (Fade Black)
/ Spike Death Animation (Leaves no trace)
/ Coin Collect (Saves the coins you collect)
/ Spike (Recoded)
/ Message Displayer (Better font)
/ Quick Load & Save (It's actually quick)
- [Can't view Num Indicator in Opt]
- [Red Blocks killing on 2nd turn]
- [Return Death loops after Save]
- [Save/Load after Button Press shows no body]
- [Pausing whilst rewinding stops boxes disappearing]


+ Web Build
+ Pause Menu Blur FX
+ Turn Indicators (Press E to activate)
+ Death Menu
+ Linkage Platform
+ Linkage Platform Path
+ Linkage Button
+ Event Narrator
/ Trail Box Animation (Disappearing turns box black)
/ Coin Animation (New and Improved)
/ Controls (More Fluid Movement)
/ Gold Platform (Animation, Increased Vibrancy)
/ View Distance (Widened)
/ World Viewer (Mouse Controls, Supports Movement, Zooming)
/ Progress Bar (Liquid Inner)
- [Pressing Controller_A on Pause Menu Activates World Viewer]
- [Load Menu not working twice]
- [Spamming Load Menu]
- [Load takes back to the start]
- [Can't save whilst moving]
- [Saving/Loading displaces platforms pressed]
- [Coins don't disappear on save]
- [Pause Menu loading half-way]
- [On_State Spikes don't change on Save/Load]


/ Performance (Runs thrice as fast)
/ World Viewer (Optical Limitation)
- [Rewinding onto an active spike doesn't kill]


+ Demo Levels
+ Mesh Optimisation
/ Camera View (Widened)
/ Material Optimisation (Supports all objects)
/ Input (Arrow Keys Setup)
- [Pressing Save whilst stepping onto a button takes you on a frozen button]


/ GUI (Shrink World Viewer Animation)
/ Time Button (Completely Redesigned)


+ Red Activators/Deactivators [Name is still to come]
+ Spawn Object
/ Graphic Settings Names
/ Snake Header/Snake Body/BreakHole (Low-polyfied)
/ World Viewer (Switch Animation)
/ Performance (Chunk-based optimisation for huge levels)


+ Playtest Scene
+ Breakhole
+ Quick Save/Load
+ Spike
+ Level Menu Question State
/ World Script (Added World FX Modes)
/ Universe (Flattened)
/ Performance (a lot faster)
/ Stars (Added More)
/ Character (Rewind Particles)
/ Character (Fog)


+ Button Press Animation (Darker)
+ World Viewer
+ Progress Bar
+ Blockades
+ Coins
+ Pause Menu
+ Controller Support
/ Level Design (New Prototype)
/ Character (Animation)
/ Button Text (More Readable)


+ Blockades
/ Stuck Reverse Bug (Fixed)
/ Completely Recoded (Smooth, No Bugs Found)


+ Reset Key
+ Changelog
+ Platforms (More)
+ Ghosts
/ Movement (Faster, Less Buggy)
/ File Naming Convention

+ Birth

Strailton is like light cycles or snake however it is turn-based puzzle game which contains time rewind buttons to create alternate future paths appearing based on the position in time.
The time reversal buttons open a new path to puzzle games as it takes the challenges to a huge new depth, opening up all different ways levels can be solved as well as ways mechanics can aid the player to get to finish the level.

In order to finish the level, the player must fill all of the white platforms with their black* body segments.

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