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Описание игры, торрент, скриншоты, видео

Скачать игру Angels That Kill v2.0 - торрент, полная версия

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 9
Игру добавил Elektra [7719|138] | 2016-11-27 (обновлено) | Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6038) | Просмотров: 4461

Angels That Kill v2.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Pancake Man (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6038); VR-игры (399)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 286.58 Мб.

В Angels That Kill игрока ждет детективная история, в которой замешаны два человека, связанные с громким убийством. Играйте за обе стороны и раскройте всю правду этого темного дела.

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v1.9 до v2.0. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Язык: Английский.

• added a new map system that shows your current location
• added a notification system when you make ending changing decisions
• added a little more to the tutorial
• added a map system to the Valentines Day Massacre gamemode when you press the "Inventory" button
• cleaned up and organized the game files
• touched up the hunger meter's appearance
• touched up the quality settings to allow more lights at once
• touched up the journal scripts
• touched up the RSI logo at the start of the game so that it now scales properly
• fixed an issue with the run toggle that would play the sound clip even if you were not moving
• fixed a typo on the ending descriptions under the "Chapters" menu
• fixed an error that tied the hunger system to the framerate causing it to be notable faster for some people, it now works properly off of time
• fixed an error from launch that would cause the mouse to randomly stop showing
• changed the journals to be actual text instead of a picture to make it more legible
• changed the background exploration music to fade out when entering a building
• changed the title on the main menu
• changed the version number
• changed the banner in the launcher
• changed the introduction/credits/disclaimer/title screen to now be skippable
• rebalanced the hunger system
• increased the size of the loading notification
• Все подробности здесь.
• added and extended upon the new game plus mode, this includes more interactions for Bickel while also flushing out the story and providing new content
• touched up the running speed to be a bit faster
• touched up the hunger system to deplete faster in correlation with the increase in running speed
• changed the version number
• added another dumpster near the police station
• added traffic cones
• added a small garden in front of one of the buildings
• added the option of using the hunger system when playing(can be changed by selecting "restart" in the game pause menu, or on the main menu after completing the game)
• added a bit more general dialogue
• touched up the camera blur amount in the tutorial
• touched up the hunger meter in the "Two Dark Nights" gamemode
• touched up the company logo
• touched up the cursor to have a white outline to be easier to see
• touched up the chapter names to progressively become more red
• touched up the "loading" symbol to become red after completing the game once
• fixed potential issue in chapter 3 where Baley would state "I'm tired...." and it would not turn off
• fixed some spelling errors in the "Two Dark Nights" gamemode
• changed the version number
• changed the name of the "classic" mode option in the main menu after unlocking 100%

A dark detective game that tells the story of two men as they uncover the truth behind a murder that has shaken the city. Play as both sides of the story and discover the truth behind the murder.

• Play both sides of the story. Go through both the suspects and the investigators shoes to discover the truth.
• Explore all your options. Just because there is a story doesn’t mean that you cant help make it, choose between right and wrong, and discover your own ending.
• Explore the world. It might not be the biggest game ever made, but it is packed full of secrets and goodies waiting to be discovered.
• Immerse in a noire inspired world. Every aspect of the game has been carefully detailed to appeal to any noire(or noir) lover.

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Комментарии игроков (1 шт.)

От: the2killer22 [0|2] | Дата 2016-01-08 15:03:19

Надо заценить )))