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Скачать игру Wolfthorn Build 27.A - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 10
Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2024-03-09 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3316) | Просмотров: 8610

Wolfthorn Build 27.A

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Aerix Art Games (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Я ищу, квесты, приключения (6079); Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1306); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3316)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 5000.00 Мб.

Wolfthorn - амбициозная фэнтезийная RPG-песочница с открытым миром, в которой вы можете сыграть на стороне добра или зла. Действия игры развиваются в фантастических землях Ардена, одном из самых больших из семи континентов мира, вдохновенного из произведениями Дж.Р.Р. Толкиена и серии "Властелин колец".

Игра обновлена до Build 27.A. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Выберите свой путь, судьбу и историю...

Сражайтесь за свет, за народы Мидии:
Вы играете за Арейю, сильного воина, который видел стороны битвы, сражался с армиями тьмы, был отцом и командиром рейнджеров на границах своей родины. Когда армии тьмы устраивают засаду на границе, которую он охраняет, всё, что он когда-либо имел, теперь потеряно, и на грани смерти он спасается и вынужден начать всё заново. Однако, отправившись в путь, чтобы уничтожить зло, поразившее весь Арден, он натыкается на старого отшельника, горбуна по имени Дамаск Дариус, который сопровождает его до самого конца его путешествия.


Присоединитесь к Тьме и управляйте землями во имя Зла:
Играйте за повелителя орков-зверей, сделайте себе имя в своих рядах и поднимитесь по карьерной лестницы в армиях Тьмы; чтобы стереть с лица земли Арден во имя чистого зла, во имя Темного Властелина.

• Исследуйте множество уникальных миров, локаций, стилей игры и многое другое - все в ваших руках!
• Что ни на есть эпическое фэнтези...
• Пройдите через мир с богатой историей, движимый мощным сюжетом...
• Окунитесь и исследуйте динамичный, постоянно меняющийся мир Мидиана...
• Мир открытого фэнтези ждет вас...

Минимальные системные требования:
• Windows 10 (10.0) Home 64-bit (Build 18362)
• Intel Core i5 6600k (Tested on desktop machine)
• 8 GB System Memory
• NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 TI or AMD Radeon R7 370 (or Equivalent)
• And around 4+ GB of system storage.

Рекомендуемые системные требования:
• Windows 10 (10.0) Home 64-bit (Build 18362)
• Intel Core i7 8750H or Equivalent (Tested on laptop machine)
• 16 GB System Memory (Could be less - just used for benchmarks mainly)
• NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4 GB or AMD Radeon R9 390X (Tested on 6GB GTX 1060, and 2070 Max-Q 8GB)
• And around 4+ GB of system storage.

Bug Fixes:
• AI can no longer attack members of the same faction or aggro each other accidentally.
• Fixed main menu issue causing fatal error when opening options menu if returning to it from the game.
• Multiple other bug fixes not listed here.

Improvements / Additions:
• Some performance improvements added throughout all worldspaces.
• Greatly improved the look of the game by changing the default color scheme to be much more fitting to the game's core appearance.
• More locations added to the Marrlands to explore.
• New masked / hooded bandit appearance type added.
• Multiple other improvements not listed here.

Welcome, to the heart of classic-fantasy RPG.
In a diverse, massive open world where fantasy waits to be explored...

Wolfthorn is an open world fantasy epic taking place in the fantastical lands of Arden, one of the largest, of the seven continents of the world; among an Earth bestowed among the fantasies of Wolfthorn called the Midian-Earth, with a rich story driving deep into the roots of epic fantasy and classic mystical roots of it all, taking deep inspiration from J.R.R. Tolkien's works and the Lord of The Rings series.

~Choose your path, destiny and story...

*Stand for the light and fight for the peoples of the Midian:
You play as Areyu, a strong warrior who has seen the sides of battle, fought the wages of war against the armies of the dark, a father and commanding ranger of his homeland’s borders. When the armies of the dark ambush the border he guards, all he ever once had was now lost, and on the verge of death, he escapes and is forced to start anew. However, upon doing so, early set off on his journey to destroy the evil that plagued all of Arden, he stumbles across an old hermit, a hunchback creature by the name of Damascus Darius, who from there on out, accompanies him to the very end of his journey.


*March with Darkness and rule the lands for Evil:
Play as an Orcish beast-master, make a name for yourself in your ranks and rise to the top of the ladder in the Armies of the Dark; to wipe out the lands of Arden for the rise of pure evil and malevolence in the name of the Dark Lord.


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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

От: Aerix [1|4] | Дата 2023-09-21 04:05:46

Hello everyone, my name is Aerix and I am the creator of this game project. I am posting on here now upon discovering my project was on this site, and wanted to clear up some confusion I believe some of these database sites have brought amongst my currently in development titles, both past and present. So I'll start with the following. This game was and still is NOT a full game and has been in development by just me for a couple years now. Over the course of these years, many different kinds of demos, tests and builds have been made accessible to the public all out of curiosity to see if I could gain any useful feedback or even interest for the project in general (which my live development streams have been the main source of, not videos).

Aerix подумал несколько секунд и добавил:

During the last year 2022, a version of the demo was released and unfortunately it didn't live up to what I wanted to portray the game as to start, so it was removed not long after (this was the build version that had the weird cave and lots of bugs I 've seen quite a few people complain about). Since then, the build has been updated a good bit, but still has lots of work to do and I have not given up on the project as I never will. What everyone needs to understand is when I had posted these builds publicly for free, they were mainly for feedback and some (not a lot) of exposure.

Aerix полчасика подумал и добавил:

They were NEVER meant to be played as full games which I think a lot of people went in expecting the wrong things and were ultimately confused as to what the game was supposed to be for that very reason. If you DO play any of my game builds on Itch.io, you should go in with the mindset of helping a solo developer build a game experience you want to see based on what the project is NOT acting like you just dropped a $60 wad of cash on the table and were robbed of your money.

Aerix полчасика подумал и добавил:

These are FREE experiences, and when the day comes I do release them, I want them to be games the world loves. Anyways, I hope this clears up some things. Regardless of when you found Wolfthorn, I want all of you to know I appreciate every one of your interactions, responses and feedback, be it constructive or not. I hope this clears up some things. Regardless of when you found Wolfthorn, I want all of you to know I appreciate every one of your interactions, responses and feedback, be it constructive or not. I hope this clears up some things. Regardless of when you found Wolfthorn, I want all of you to know I appreciate every one of your interactions, responses and feedback, be it constructive or not.

Aerix думал около часа и добавил:

PS: The above statement has some duplicate sentences since I had copied and pasted that part of the my message from another device of mine so apologies for that. If you are interested, the best way to stay updated on the project or game is my public discord which is accessible via my Itch.io page for the game or any of my other social links (just search up aerix art games on the web and they'll show up). Again, thank you everyone for checking out Wolfthorn. Best always, - C
От: DobrMayonez [72|25] | Дата 2022-01-07 19:58:01

Очень странная дичь. Заспавнился в некой пещере, где было два гоблина. Убил (причем очень странно - боевка очень топорная), они особо не сопротивлялись и даже не агрились, если честно. Вышел из пещеры, посмотрел подсказку о том, что от падения есть урон. Стал аккуратно спускаться с горы, застрял между текстурами и удалил эту поделку нафиг.