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Скачать игру АвиаНалет 3 / AirStrike 2: Gulf Thunder - официальная русская версия

Рейтинг: 9.1 (7) | Баллы: 78
Игру добавил iXy [761|44] | 2008-07-14 | Леталки, скроллеры (1027) | Просмотров: 24168

АвиаНалет 3 / AirStrike 2: Gulf Thunder

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: DivoGames (7)
• Жанр / Genre: Леталки, скроллеры (1027)
• Язык: Русская версия (7898)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Триал
• Размер / Size: 25.70 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 9.1 из 10 (всего голосов: 7)

• Похожие игры:
- Desert Hawk v2.71
- АвиаНалет 2 v2.45 / AirStrike 2
- АвиаНалет 1 v1.70 / AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T.

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AirStrike II: Gulf Thunder - это недавно вышедшее продолжение AirStrike II и, пожалуй, лучший когда-либо выпущенный 3D-симулятор боевого вертолета. 24 захватывающие миссии, полеты над пустыней и уничтожение террористов сделали игру еще более увлекательной. Поля боев освещаются горящими бочонками с нефтью, а между промышленными зданиями прячутся хитрые террористы, чтобы напасть исподтишка. Пленных не брать!

AirStrike II: Gulf Thunder is a fresh sequel to AirStrike II, arguably the most exciting 3D indie helicopter combat action game ever released. The new sequel follows in the footsteps of its ‘parent’ and takes it to the limit.

The centerpiece of AirStrike II: Gulf Thunder is a new terrorist base, well defended and cleverly designed to make any head-on attack pointless. This time around, the terrorists created a new monstrous weapon and a new type of explosives. Naturally, the only way to stop the destruction is to annihilate the opponents while they are on the move. After this is done, the player has to carefully plan the assault on the core base, which is defended by the towers and is fortified with a new type of metal alloy.

AirStrike II: Gulf Thunder has 15 new levels. There is a whole lot of ‘desert flying’ to do because this add-on is Iraq-based. The battle scene is littered with burning oil barrels and is packed with industrial objects where sneaky terrorist land units can hide to give them unfair advantage. All 3D objects are remarkably well designed and bear a distinct AirStrike II style touch.

The choice of helicopters in Airstrike II: Gulf Thunder is limited to 3 iron birdies, but all of the machines are pure joy to pilot and attack with. The difficulty level has been increased a couple of notches, so the game should please the most demanding hard-core gamers. Even diehard helicopter simulator fans are likely to get hooked on the game instantly.
As in previous versions of the game, there are briefings with the general who points out mission objectives and gives hints how to outsmart opponents.

Game features:
• 24 large levels with 2 powerful bosses!
• 5 different landscape types!
• Over 100(!!!) different units with unique characteristics!
• Plenty of game objects!
3 unique helicopters to fly on!
• 10 unique weapons with 3-7 level upgrade!
• 15 different bonuses and 5 missile types!
• Night missions with varying weather conditions!
• Five levels of difficulty for hardcore-gamers and rookies!
• 1-player and 2-player game modes!
• 12 cheat codes are available!
• Original soundtrack and powerful sound effects!
• Extraordinarily addictive game play!
• DivoRating system allowing players to share high-scores all over the world.
• 120% pure ACTION!
• 4 different cameras, including classic top-down view!
• Gorgeous effects, huge Explosions!
• A leading-edge 3D Graphics Engine featuring:
• Advanced Photo-Realistic 3D landscape!
• Advanced particle system(Fire, Water, Smoke, etc.)!
• Real-time shadows, dynamic color lighting!

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Комментарии игроков (4 шт.)

От: GrApEfRuIT228 [2|6] | Дата 2018-04-21 10:16:44

давно проходил игру
решил вспомнить но прямая ссылка не работает(
От: mare077 [1|0] | Дата 2017-01-25 04:56:45

Ссылка битая
От: slimys [174|111] | Дата 2009-05-18 10:14:17

ну хорошая игра!
От: Nekit [3|11] | Дата 2008-12-18 15:59:06

Прошёл все три части, адреналина-море! :)