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Скачать игру Windstone v15 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 31
Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2022-06-30 (обновлено) | Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1313) | Просмотров: 8531

Windstone v15

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Threshold Seven (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Песочницы (Sandbox-игры) (1313)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 1100.00 Мб.

Windstone - однопользовательская игра про выживание в большом открытом мире драконов, которых можно приручить и оседлать, где вы будете путешествовать по земле, воздухе и морю, а также изучать пещеры и таинственные храмы. В игре есть сюжетная линия, в которой вы должны избавить землю от муравьев и их королевы или просто выжить.

Игра обновлена до v15. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Механика выживания:
Помимо стандартной механик выживания, таких как голод, жажда, температура тела, выносливость и общее здоровье, вы также должны следить за своим психологическим здоровьем и пищей, а также потребностями вашего дракона и других существ, которых вы сможете приручить.

Крафт и строительство:
Множество уникальных предметов, начиная от базовых каменных инструментов и заканчивая обсидиановым оружием, броней, деревянными и каменными укреплениями, которые пригодятся вам для выживания в мире Windstone.

Постройте простой лагерь, большую укрепленную базу или блуждайте по землях как кочевник с переносным укрытием.

Каждый обработанный предмет имеет уникальный рецепт и требует правильных материалов и инструментов для изготовления.
Многие предметы можно найти просто путешествуя по миру в сотнях ящиков.

Враги и дикая природа:
Муравьи - ваш главный враг. Вы должны уничтожить их королеву.

Как и предметы в ящиках, вся дикая природа генерируется случайно, поэтому при переигровке вы не встретите одинаковых животных.

Большое количество больших и малых существ, на данный момент, находятся в разработке, а также тех, которых можно приручить и обучить, как охотничьих животных.

Минимальные системные требования:
• i5, AMD FX processor or equivalent
• GTX 550, Radeon R7 270
• 8gb RAM

Рекомендованные системные требования для игры на высоких настройках в 60 FPS:
• i7, AMD Ryzen or equivalent
• GTX 1060, Radeon R9
• 16gb RAM

The border of sublevels have been altered so that only one sub sublevel is streaming on the west side of the river, which should increase performance.

Drop menu overlap has been fixed and the Dragon Egg menu has been centered.

The quest compass should no longer overlap other UI elements.

The toolbelt UI has been reverted to only show when the inventory is open. This is done to keep the play screen cleaner and because the tool belt hotkeys are static and cannot be changed anyway (1 is always hammer, 2 is always hatchet etc.) This is a conscious gameplay decision as the weapons that do more damage are purposely on harder to reach hot keys, while the tools that are most used are on easy to reach hot keys.

Being submerged in water now makes you cold over time.

Rain also now makes you cold over time.

An issue has been fixed where rain would never stop until reloading or restarting.

Sleeping now takes into consideration rain chance. It may or may not be raining when you wake up regardless of the weather when you went to sleep instead of the weather always just being the same when you wake up as it was when you went to sleep.

Chance of rain is much higher at night.

Torch warmth has been slightly decreased.

Torch light quality has been increased and an issue with submerging while holding a torch has been fixed.

The coastline landscape has been changed in multiple places.

Campfire placement now includes a movable transparent green indicator on the ground to confirm where the fire will be built.

Indoor fireplaces cast brighter ambient light when lit.

An issue with the fire starting menu not using the correct amount of wood has been fixed and if the fire is already lit the "light" button now displays "stoke".

Overloading the fire beyond its maximum capacity and losing wood should no longer be possible. One extra piece can always be put in to "top off" the fire, but doing this too much is effectively wasting wood.

Hide curing racks, and fences now also have a green indicator for placement.

Fence models have been updated.

Dragon Hatchling navigation and attacking AI has been improved.

Dragon Hatchling drop placement has been improved.

Dragon Hatchling fire attack light quality has been improved.

Map drone animation no longer cancels after doubling clicking the M key.

You can no longer move or look around while launching the map drone. You can still move the screen when the map is open.

Cabins and Caves are now indicated on the map drone screen.

Cabin and Cave indicators change color when discovered.

The map drone can now only be launched while outdoors.

Bleeding and Poisoned screen-edge effect has been improved with variations to the pulsing textures and also conform to any size screen.

Destroying and salvaging most items now requires a confirmation.

The Wolf-skin bedroll can now be salvaged to gain back some craft materials if it becomes degraded.

The empty gourd shell, empty gourd water container and full water container no longer stack.

A water container can no longer be filled with Agave. These changes to the water gourd containers have been made to accommodate the new addition of the water canteen, which holds more water.

The textures on the proxy character in the Inventory menu have been made less shiny.

The wolf and other aggressive creatures should rotate more smoothly when attacking.

Raw hides, cured hides and curing hides should work properly and not disappear when being actively moved.

Wildlife should continue regular movement after loading a saved game.

Fixed an issue with items placed on the edge of a well becoming stuck.

Blue eye icon after eating a blue cap mushroom should show correctly.

Fixed an issue with background music tracks overlapping.

Becoming encumbered by inventory weight is now also indicated by an icon.

Max carry weight and inventory space has been reduced.

Running sound effect will no longer play while holding shift when overloaded or encumbered.

The Sprint icon should no longer show when moving an item, which prevents sprinting.

Fixed an issue with meters not changing color correctly.

The crafted survival shelter now has a confirmation to pickup and to place.

The crafted survival shelter has been made smaller.

Text on the inventory compact button has been changed to make it more obvious. It now displays "compact" instead of an arrow.

Some crafted items have been moved to a different and more appropriate category.

An indicator now informs the player to eat mushrooms to increase lucidity if they try to attempt to craft an item or start a fire while too muddled (mental fortitude too low). Mental fortitude can also be increased by simply taking care of whatever other condition is causing mental fortitude to decrease (hunger, thirst, cold, fatigue, injury etc.) but this is not always possible and mushrooms are a way to temporarily increase mental fortitude in an emergency.

All mushroom effects have been changed. One causes fatigue and can be used as "sleeping pills" when trying to pass time faster while curing hides or incubating the Dragon Egg. One can be used to become hungry or "purge your stomach" if you need to eat something else to gain another effect but are too full to eat. These two mushrooms also poison you, so you need to eat a healing herb directly after or wait out the poison effect if you have enough health to do so.

Some additional mushrooms, but not all, can be eaten even on a full stomach.

All other mushrooms increase other stats such as mental fortitude, stamina, health or decrease fatigue at differing rates depending on the specific mushroom and have no negative effect except the chance to cause poisoning if their condition has degraded too much.

Moving an item with the right mouse button has been improved. Instead of the item simply floating in mid air, it will snap to the floor or surface when it is close enough. This keeps the item from clipping through most surfaces. This also allows items to be placed on walls.

New bridges have been added and collision and navigation on the bridges has been improved for the player and AI.

"Repair items needed" display has been widened to show all items when necessary.

Meat, hide and carapace harvest rate from carcasses has been increased.

The area that triggers quest completion of discovering the Brood Mother's den has been increased and should no longer be able to be missed.

4 storage chests with randomly generated items and extra obsidian has been added behind the Brood Mother.

Arrows no longer stack, making the quiver more essential.

Durability/degradation bars should now display correctly in storage containers.

"Close Basket" button text has been changed to "Close Storage" as there are storage containers other than just baskets.

Global Ambient occlusion has been reduced (artificial shadowing in corners and under items) for the new space ship interiors.

An issue has been fixed where Tardigrade meat could not be picked up once it was dropped.

An issue has been fixed where certain transparent textures in the world like the shoreline waves would change color when opening the inventory. This was caused by a setting on the light that affects the proxy character.

Three passenger-quarter sections of the crashed mothership have been placed on the landscape near the main crash site. These sections are all similar and will be made variants in the future. They are accessible and each contain a room with a bed, workbench and storage containers and can be used as a shelter.

Three new items have been added: The Canteen, which fills your thirst bar completely; The MRE, which fills your tummy with food completely; and The Energy Cell, which is a portable power source which does absolutely nothing right now except look neat on a shelf. The Energy Cell will be usable to power various things in the future.

Many 3d models for inventory items have been updated and improved.

All inventory item icons have been updated and improved to reflect their new models and are now sized correctly to prevent pixelation.

Thank you for playing Windstone.

Windstone is a single player survival exploration game where the survival mechanics are the core and managing your supplies can mean the difference between life and death. You take on the role of one of the last Windwalkers (dragon riders) of a primitive tribe from another world.

Hunt and forage for food, craft tools and weapons, build traps and construct fortifications in an inhospitable land as you and your dragon strive to bring an end to the Formicans that invaded your homeworld.

Windstone is set in a vast open world where you traverse the land, the air and the sea as well as caverns and labyrinthine temples. Tutorial objectives and quests initially guide you to help you get the hang of things, but your path is yours to choose. Follow a main story line to rid the land of the Formicans and their Queen or simply survive.

Gameplay is both open ended for those who enjoy simply surviving for as long as they can, doing whatever they want to create their own story, but also has an objective based story line in development to give closure to those who like a path to follow and a definite end to a game. Objectives are a work in progress and currently consist of survival tasks that teach you how to craft the essentials for survival, harvest materials and the main objective that leads you to your first dragon egg.

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

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Комментарии игроков (6 шт.)

От: cyropurosy [3|0] | Дата 2019-03-06 02:20:40

тошнит уже от выживалки в открытом мире, придумайте что нибудь новое ленивые ушлепки. у меня уже есть выживалка, называется реальный мир.
От: Patronus [31|165] | Дата 2019-02-11 17:06:59

вы будете путешествовать по земле, ВОЗДУХУ и МОРЮ

Помимо СТАНДАРТНЫХ механик выживания

Множество уникальных предметов, начиная от базовых каменных инструментов и заканчивая обсидиановым оружием, (броней и деревянными и каменными укреплениями), необходимы для выживания в мире Windstone.


Каждый обработанный предмет имеет УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ рецепт и требует правильных материалов и инструментов для изготовления.

(Вы должны уничтожить их и их королеву.)


Большее количетсво существа больших и малых на данный момент находятся в разработке, а также те, которых можно приручить и обучить как охотничьих животных.

От: Volodja1 [3|12] | Дата 2019-02-11 11:09:54

Ark, это ты?
От: Cyber_Gamer [2|7] | Дата 2018-09-03 19:51:43

Блин, вообще люблю все что связано с драконами. Увидел эту игрушку, почитал описание. Думаю, надо сыграть. Посмотрел системные требования... и глаза на лоб полезли. У меня железо взорвется, если я эту игру запустить попробую...
От: grawatm [23|14] | Дата 2018-08-31 12:36:18

на R5 с 60 фпс поиграл часок... сырое это ничего не сказать, лучше арк пиратку поиграть
От: ZaKaznik [6|0] | Дата 2018-08-30 20:22:59

Не дофига ли сис. требований для такой игры? Я конечно понимаю проще железо загнуть чем оптимизировать игру, но совесть то должна быть у разработчика, под такой графон 1060 и 16 рамки в 60 фпс... Ну такое