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Скачать игру Gauge Of Rage v0.9.15 [Beta] - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 10.0 (1) | Баллы: 19
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2017-08-11 (обновлено) | Аркадные шутеры (2195) | Просмотров: 6232

Gauge Of Rage v0.9.15 [Beta]

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от WubsGames (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Аркадные шутеры (2195); Зомби игры (436)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 100.51 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 1)

Gauge Of Rage - аркадный top-down шутер, вдохновленный такими играми как Left 4 Dead и Hotline Miami. Поддерживая высокий уровень ярости, Вы можете использовать различные пассивные способности: (R)esistance, (A)ggression, (G)rimoire (Magic), и (E)xtermination.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 0.9.14 до 0.9.15. Список изменений внутри.

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Язык интерфейса: Английский

Super Quick Update: 0.9.15
Nerfed the "Drop The Bass" power a bit more as it was way too overpowered in previous builds even after I nerfed it for version 0.9.14.

New Build: 0.9.14 - Quite a Bit of Balancing
I did a considerable amount of balancing to the game over the past week as I’ve noticed that a few of the guns and powers were quite a bit overpowered, especially when combined together. The game is far less exciting when the player feels nearly indestructible, and this is in an effort to make the game feel fair and balanced throughout. Also, in this build you can finally skip past the XP counting and challenge progression bars in the “You Are Dead” menu by pressing enter on the keyboard, or ‘A’ or start on the gamepad. I know it was annoying getting stuck in this menu for minutes or more after completing a ton of challenges in a single game. I also buffed up some of the requirements for each of these challenges to prevent this from happening, although it still will probably happen quite a bit so skip away :)

Full release notes:

Version 0.9.14 August 3rd 2017

You can now skip past the score ticker, XP counting, and challenge unlock bars in the "You Are Dead" menu by pressing Enter on the keyboard, or ‘A’ or Start on the gamepad.
Made many of the challenges a bit harder so people don’t unlock a ton of stuff all at once (although that still tends to happen, so that’s why you can now skip all that stuff)
Super strong zombies are now far more likely to spawn if you can hold out long enough. If you last long enough for the system to hit its cap (about 10 minutes) you will end up with an 85% chance that each zombie spawned is at the maximum strength, as opposed to a 25% chance in earlier builds.
Lowered the number of specific enemy kills needed to unlock the 3, 4, and 5 skull difficulties.
Lowered the Glock clip size from 10 standard and 17 upgraded to 7 standard and 12 upgraded.
Increased the Magnum damage by about 15%.
Lowered the Crossbow and Bazooka ammo reserve amount from 15 to 10.
Increased the Rifle ammo reserve amount from 108 to 144.
Lowered the Shotgun ammo reserve amount from 48 to 36.
Made health packs about 10% less likely to drop from enemies. The chance you find them in cabinets and chests has not been changed.
Nerfed the fire bullets power, fire rockets, fire bolts, and fire grenades a bit.
Nerfed the Ammo Conserve power by 10%.
Zombies now give the player about 15% less rage. Rage given by all other mobs has not been changed.
Removed one of the less fun messages in the title screen crawl which measures total HP lost since you started playing.
Decreased the amount of money dropped by enemies a bit.
Added 2 seconds to the "Chainsaw Massacre" extermination.
Decreased the range that attracts enemies to the player during the "Drop The Bass" extermination by quite a bit as it was WAY too overpowered.
Getting set on fire now does 50% less damage to the player.

New Build: 0.9.13 – Some Quick Bug Fixes

Fixed a couple of bugs over the weekend, details are in the release notes below. Unfortunately, overhauling the collision system in order to boost performance didn’t go as planned, so there’s no performance boost in this update. I’m continuing to figure out ways to improve performance though so stay tuned.

There are quite a few balancing issues that I’m working out and the next update will focus on these. For one, a couple of the guns are pretty overpowered, especially when combined with certain rage powers. Also, I know it’s annoying that you still can’t skip the challenge progression bars which unlock things in the “You Are Dead” menu. I know people tend to unlock a ton of stuff all at once which can lead to people sitting in this menu for minutes or more. I’m working on that as well as balancing a ton of other stuff not mentioned here within the next few weeks. I’ll keep you guys posted. Thanks again for all your feedback. I’m really glad you guys are liking the game so far :)


Release Notes:
Version 0.9.13 July 24th 2017

Fixed a bug where enemies would sometimes not react to being hit by traffic.
Fixed a bug where the "Power Metal Mayhem" and "Drop The Bass" extermination powers would not attract enemies properly if the player was covered in puke when performing the extermination.
Fixed a typo in one of the "Cause Of Death" messages in the "You Are Dead" menu.

New Build - 0.9.12

Gauge Of Rage Beta 0.9.12 - July 15th 2017

Note: I took down and re-uploaded this build at 2:41PM EST because I noticed a bug with fire not emitting light properly, if you downloaded this build today before 2:41PM EST you’ll want to re-download it because the bug has been fixed and I didn’t want to give it an entire new version number.

My main goal in the short term is to get this game running fast on even low end hardware. I know right now you still need a pretty fast PC to run the game with no slowdown and I’m working hard to change that. I can only do that in small steps though, although next week I’m hoping (key word: hoping) to make a substantial performance boost to the core collision system and I’ll let you guys know if that works out or if it ends in absolute catastrophic disaster (programming is so much fun!)

Also note that installing this new build will come with a fresh save file, so you’ll have to start from the beginning - sorry, this should be the last build in a while that should do this.

Release Notes:

Version 0.9.12 July 15th 2017

Fixed a bug where enemies that were frozen in ice would thaw out and then instantly re-freeze in ice.
Sped up the collision system by reducing the number of times enemies need to call their collision script to
properly handle collisions.
Fixed a bug that got created due to speeding up the lighting engine in 0.9.11 in which
fire would not emit light - you fix one thing only to break something else in game design :)
Version 0.9.11 - July 10th 2017

Made some substantial improvements to the speed of the lighting engine; the system the game uses to
calculate light and dark is basically twice as fast.
Version 0.9.1 - July 8th 2017:

Noticed people were having issues with vsync making the game run slowly, so I made the game turn vsync off by default.
If you experience screen tearing, try enabling "Vsync" and if it makes your game run slowly, make sure Windows is set
to run at 60fps, and then vsync should run normally.

Fixed a typo in one of the quit to desktop messsages.

Gauge Of Rage is an arcade style top-down shooter inspired by games such as Left 4 Dead and Hotline Miami. Mowing down tons of enemies builds up rage. You can slot different passive powers into your "Gauge Of Rage" which take effect if you can keep keep a high enough level of rage. These powers are categorized by (R)esistance, (A)ggression, (G)rimoire (Magic), and (E)xtermination powers. Maxing out your Gauge Of Rage will allow you to use your (E)xtermination power which is a super move that can generate a ton of kills, but using it depletes all of your rage. The game is score based, and you will always die at the end of every game. Doing well will unlock all kinds of new weapons, maps, difficulty levels which spawn all kinds of mobs, and new powers to slot into your Gauge Of Rage. You can also upgrade and customize all your guns with money found during each game. The game is meant to be pretty difficult. Don't expect the game to hold your hand :)

IMPORTANT: This is a beta version and bugs and balancing issues are to be expected. Please report any bugs to me if you can. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I've been working on this game for over two years now, and am looking forward to hearing your feedback. I will be posting updates to the game as soon as I make them.

This game will require a pretty decent PC to run smoothly. The game is playable on standard PCs but you will probably get quite a bit of slowdown on some of the larger maps and big battles. Turning off Vsync in the options menu may help you get a speed boost on slower PCs. I'm running the game on a laptop with an i7 and an Nvidea GeForce graphics card with no slowdown at all. If you have a graphics card, it is absolutely recommended that you use it to run this game. I will be working on optimizing the game to run on slower PCs and will post optimization updates as I make them.

This game has Xbox 360 and Xbox One controller support with full vibration functionality with nothing to set up; simply plug and play.

Note: your antivirus software may flag this game as malicious simply because it is a .exe file. There is nothing malicious about this game.

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Комментарии игроков (2 шт.)

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3 скрин напомнил сразу... garage bad trip... Вот так...
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Давайте сделаем любой унылый топ-даун шутер, особенно про зомби, и ради маркетинга напишем, что он был вдохновлен Хотлайном