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Скачать игру Animator's Hell v1.2.2 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

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Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2023-05-28 (обновлено) | Хорроры (1753) | Просмотров: 10138

Animator's Hell v1.2.2

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Gestalt Games (7)
• Жанр / Genre: Хорроры (1753)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 947.80 Мб.
• Похожие игры:
- Ultimate Custom Night v1.033 / FNAF 7
- Five Nights At Candy's v1.2.2
- Five Nights At Candy's 2 v1.0.7
- Five Nights at Candy's 3 v1.0.3
- Five Nights at Candy's Remastered v1.3.0

Animator's Hell - качественная фан-игра в мире FNaF, вдохновленная Ultimate Custom Night, в которой вам будет сложно выжить до конца ночи, поскольку несмотря на то, что вам разрешено выбрать с какими именно аниматрониками вы встретитесь ночью, вы не можете выбрать их сложностью. Поэтому аниматроники становятся всё сильнее под конец игры.

Игра обновлена до v1.2.2. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

• Множество разных персонажей, основанных на FNAF Animators, каждый с уникальной механикой и озвучкой.
• Настраиваемые офисы.
• Настраиваемые музыкальные композиции.
• Режимы испытаний в духе Ultimate Custom Night, который обеспечивает более глубокое погружение в мир Animator's Hell.
• И многое другое!

- Fixed a glitch where the credits would sometimes freeze the game after playing.
- Fixed a glitch where the credits music would play in the title screen.
- Fixed a glitch where Dasian could still kill the player during the power out sequence.
- It is no longer possible for Tiffany to appear twice.
- Fixed a bug where the title screen would randomly freeze after clicking the settings icon or Descend button.
- Fixed a bug where the bathroom cameras would remain visible even if the camera was flipped down in certain circumstances when Gemini was enabled.
- Fixed a bug where Valentina would instantly kill you under certain circumstances.


- The Power Generator has been made slightly more effective overall.

- The blackout effect after BW1 leaves the room lasts slightly longer.
- Fixed a glitch where BW1 would close the door on his way out rather than opening it.

- Ooblek's cooldown between appearances is shorter.

- Ewok melts faster overall, and now melts faster the hotter the building is rather than melting at a fixed speed.

- Frisk's base speed has been decreased.

- Both twins' head hitboxes are larger, making it easier to place the masks on their faces.

- Cortez's flashlight hitbox is slightly bigger, making it easier to flash him away.

- The characters in the sandbox menu have been re-arranged.
- Updated several character descriptions. (Shadows, Ender, Nightmerina, Luna, Zaplord, Breddy, Tynado, Cortez, Halfskull, BW1/George, Comet/Nightmare Comet, Ooblek, Terrence, Dasian, Frooky)
- Properly aligned the character boxes in the sandbox menu.
- Decreased the rarity of the Jaze Cinemug easter egg.
- Decreased the rarity of the Comet easter egg.

They've gone through hell to entertain you, now you have to go through theirs.

Welcome to the ultimate FNAF Animation mashup, featuring several animators and references from all over the FNAF Animation community.

• Many different characters based on FNAF Animators, each with unique mechanics and voice actors.
• Customizable offices that provide a more personalized experience.
• Custom music compositions.
• Challenge Modes that take a break from the Custom Night fashion and provide a deeper descent into the world of Animator's Hell.
• And more!

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