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Скачать игру Diablo The Hell 3 v0.923 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинга пока нет | Баллы: 9
Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2024-05-01 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325) | Просмотров: 6414

Diablo The Hell 3 v0.923

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Mordor_XP (2)
• Жанр / Genre: Ретро-игры (DOS, Win 9x) (629); Сетевые / ХотСит (2290); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 3980.00 Мб.
• Другие части игры:
- Diablo The Hell 2 v1.2520
• Похожие игры:
- Freeablo v0.4

Diablo The Hell 3 - дальнейшие улучшения/расширения геймплея в серии популярных хардкорных HD-модов для Diablo 1 The Hell. Вас ждет больше геймплейных возможностей, больше режимов сложности, больше нового контента, больше игровых и косметических опций, более глубокая кастомизация персонажа, лучшая поддержка мультиплеера и PvP. Задача - стать более крупной и совершенной версией предыдущего мода в этой линейке.

Игра обновлена до v0.923. Список изменений внутри новости.

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Есть поддержка как одиночной игры, так и мультиплеера. Появился новый тип игры под названием Coliseum. 9 сложностей. 8 режимов игры. Активные навыки игрока.

+ More uniques;
+ Fixed an old bug (it probably goes back to The Hell 1) that prevented (sometimes) low level uniques from dropping,
Note: formula for boss battle level (defining base item level availability) was Difficulty + 2. Now it is: 4 + 3 * Difficulty / 4 ;
+ Formula for stats given for Andariel quest changed to: (Difficulty + 2) ;
+ Yes, more uniques ;
+ 2 more uniques (Iron Shinguards);
+ Guess what. More unique items added;
+ More unique items added;
+ Created some uniques based on Spiked Gauntlets;
+ Created some uniques based on Scale Gauntlets;
+ Created some uniques based on Thorned Gloves;
+ Fixed minimal Stone Curse cooldown duration for characters with 'Breaker of Stones' or 'Petrifier' traits;
+ Fixed Stone Curse cooldown for characters with 'Breaker of Stones' trait;
+ Created 2 uniques based on Heathenhunt Shield;
+ Fixed perk 'Stoning Mastery' not working together with trait 'Petrifier' ;
+ Created some uniques based on Arcane Orb;
+ Fury duration formula set to (in seconds): 30 + Rampage + (CLVL / 5) + ((10 + CLVL / 6) for affix of increased Fury duration);
+ 2 uniques created based on Great Aspis;
+ Ported some more TH2 uniques based on Beaked Mask;
+ Fury duration formula set to (in seconds): 30 + Rampage + (CLVL / 10) + ((5 + CLVL / 6) for affix of increased Fury duration);
+ Spellbook now displays Fury duration;
+ Ported some uniques based on Shadowforged Shield from TH2;
+ Created some uniques based on Shadowforged Shield;
+ Created some uniques based on Succubus Heart;
+ Created more uniques based on Parmula X;
+ Created some uniques based on Parmula V;
+ Created some uniques based on Parmula I;
+ Created some uniques based on Netherworld Tome;
+ Created some uniques based on Cryptic Tome;
+ Fixed Rogue colors for dual sword animations (idle(dungeon) & attack);
+ Allowed generation of goldfind magic affixes on offhands (not for late game affixes). May cause shield affix morphing;
+ Item sell price divider changed to 10 + CLVL/3 ;
+ Created some uniques based on Hidden Head and Death Shield;
+ Created some uniques based on Martyrdom Shield and Corpse Head (total uniques: 3005);
+ Created some uniques based on Galea IV (Dimachaerus);
+ Created some uniques based on Galea IV (Thraex);
+ Created some uniques based on Galea VII (Thraex);
+ Created some uniques based on Galea VII (Murmillo);
+ Exploder damage revised:
min.dmg = 0.75 * (Dlvl * 6 + 20 + Difficulty * 90), max.dmg = min.dmg*2,
Hard Mode:
min.dmg = 0.75 * (Dlvl * 8 + 25 + Difficulty * 120), max.dmg = min.dmg*2,
Nightmare, Speedrun, Ironman:
min.dmg = 0.75 * (Dlvl * 5 + 15 + Difficulty * 75), max.dmg = min.dmg*2;
+ Created some uniques based on Fanged Helm;
+ Fixed colors for Warrior's WHUQM animation ;
+ Made magic affixes of melee/arrow damage resistance more available on certain items. May cause affix morphing;
+ Created some uniques based on Galea VII (Secutor);
+ Created some uniques based on Alpha Pelt, Galea IV (Secutor);
+ Items can generate the following amount of sockets now:
Horror: 1-3,
Purgatory: 1-4,
Doom: 2-5,
Crucible: 2-6,
Torment (and further): 3-6;
+ Created some uniques based on Hound Pelt;
+ More uniques created (Vampire Skull and Beaked Mask);
+ Created unique items based on Corrosive Bow, Hound Skull;
+ Created a unique line based on Great Naginata (3 items);
+ Created a unique line based on Ancient Pollaxe (5 items), total uniques now: 2918;
+ Mana Shield damage reduction now works the same way if Mana Shield spell level is > 0;
+ Mana Shield damage reduction formula upgraded to: 200 - SLVL/4 - CLVL/6 - Perk(Mind_Over_Matter) - Synergy(Energy_Field) % ;
+ Created a unique line based on Great Voulge (4 items), total uniques now: 2910;
+ Created a unique line based on Runic Axe (3 items);
+ Created a unique line based on Infernal Axe (4 items), total uniques now: 2906;

The next mod in The Hell series. Aimed at just being bigger and badder version of the previous mod in the line.

There is support for both singleplayer and multiplayer. And there is a new game type named Coliseum. 9 difficulties. 8 game modes. Active player skills.

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От: gay_developer [2|9] | Дата 2021-08-14 00:14:01
