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Скачать игру Metaverse Keeper v1.0.0.894 - торрент, игра на стадии разработки

Рейтинг: 6.5 (2) | Баллы: 19
Игру добавил Kusko [2475|32] | 2020-04-21 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325) | Просмотров: 10339

Metaverse Keeper v1.0.0.894

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Sparks Games (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Текстовые, Roguelike (1536); Сетевые / ХотСит (2290); Ролевые игры (RPG) (3325)
• Язык: Русская версия (7912)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Beta-версия (игра еще в разработке)
• Размер / Size: 335.40 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 6.5 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

Metaverse Keeper - красивый кооперативный dungeon crawler рогалик, где вы исследуете полный опасностей случайно сгенерированный мир вместе с вашими товарищами по команде. Собирайте ресурсы, ищите бастионы и используйте все виды удивительного оружия, чтобы сражаться с внеземными монстрами и раскрыть секреты Глубин.

Игра на русском языке.

Игра обновлена до v1.0.0.894. Список изменений внутри новости.

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В Metaverse Keeper вы должны не только сражаться с разнообразными группами монстров, но и собирать всевозможные фишки в бастионе, чтобы разблокировать таланты и улучшить способности. По мере продвижения вперед, вы столкнетесь с нарастающими проблемами, такими как дефицит ресурсов и стычками со сложными врагами, не говоря уже о свирепых боссах в конце уровней!

Особенности игры:
• Герои: Metaverse Keeper предоставляет вам на выбор героев гиперпространства, каждый из которых спас мир в своей собственной вселенной и обладает уникальными способностями, которых таинственная Корпорация назвала агентами по спасению мира.
• Извилистый бастион: обман - лучшая защита! Каждый раз, когда вы входите в бастион, его форма меняется. Не пытайтесь запомнить бастион, ваше приключение никогда не будет выглядеть одинаково.
• Фишки: по подземелью разбросаны фишки, изменяющие реальность фрагменты, используемые для расширения возможностей героев в их путешествии. Чтобы раскрыть их секреты, потребуются все ваши умственные способности и смелость.
• Оружие и предметы: Metaverse Keeper предлагает на выбор широкий спектр оружия, каждое из которых имеет свои уникальные особенности.
• Предметы в игре могут быть использованы для самых разных целей, они часто способны перевернуть ход событий даже в самых тяжелых ситуациях. Объедините усилия с другом, чтобы удвоить удовольствие!
• Онлайн кооператив: вам немного сложно? Отправиться в новое путешествие вместе с другом! Но будьте осторожны, у ваших врагов тоже могут быть друзья.

Game system

-Cross-platform online mode: Now supports Steam / WeGame platform cross-play.

-The control mode now supports move-attack.

-Add auto-aim mechanism and support multiple mode of auto-aim mechanism, which can be adjusted in the settings. A aiming indicator will appear on the bottom of the aimed monster.

-The way to get metaverse is changed to drop.

-Modified the trigger mechanism to enter the next level. In online mode, all players will gather together to the BOSS teleporter to start teleportation.

-The cassettes acquisition mechanism was modified to settle accounts at the end of each round, and the number of cassette drops was slightly increased.

-Each hero's talent upgrade to level 3.

-Modified the handling mechanism of disconnection, the end of the game will exclude players who have been disconnected, to avoid the problem that player cannot get rewards after teammates disconnect.

Game content

Add a new hero: Pirate from the end of the universe-Anne


Anne is the leader of the "Summer Wind" star of the Chaos interstellar pirate group. The pirate group "Summer Wind" is unknown and unknown in the Chaos galaxy. They are a pirate alliance that can give up souls for money. Pirates are the strongest fighters in this galaxy, and Anne is a very mysterious woman. Why can he be the leader of this pirate group has always been a mystery, but it is said that his men are very loyal to Anne, and Anne was once to save Her own men dragged a star away with the spaceship "Golden Wind", her terrible, can be seen.

Active skill: Immediately enter the invisible state, and leave a nasty holographic image on the spot, while in the invisible state, the enemy will not find and actively attack Annie.


Unexpectedly: for each chip Anne carries, the attack power of the first strike after sneak increases by 1% / 2% / 3%

Alcohol Paralysis: When Anne gains a negative effect, heals 1 life per second for 6/8/10 seconds. This effect can be used up to 3 times per room

Many people: Every time Annie adds a teammate, Annie increases her attack power by 5% / 10% / 15%

Blessed and shared, difficult to be the same: Anne will share any effect with other 1/2/3 players around her (this effect will not be shared again)

Brand new game mode: Out of Control

Out of Control mode is a brand new gameplay. Players need to clear the difficult mode to unlock the Out of Control mode. In the Out of Control mode, the room mechanism is changed to select the next type of room entered after each room is emptied, and cannot be returned to the front. Go in a room.

In multiplayer mode, the Out of Control mode supports three modes for selecting rooms:

-Captain mode: All members choose based on the choice of the captain (the creator of the room).

-Voting mode: Choose according to the number of votes in different rooms.

-Synchronization mode: Choose according to the common wishes of all players.

Brand new organs, monsters and bosses have been updated in the Our of Control mode.

New bomb module:

-Mine: The mine module turns the meta-energy bomb into a monster and it will trigger an explosion after stepping on it, causing a lot of damage. The mine module lasts up to 10 seconds.

-Nuclear bomb: The nuclear bomb module consumes 10 meta-energy bombs each time and causes huge damage.

-Thunderbolt bomb: After the explosion of the thunderbolt module, it causes an electric shock effect to the injured monster.

Added monster:


-Giggle Pope

-Misguided Slime

-Electrified Centurion

-Poisoned Centurion

-Spirited Thinker

-Sleepy Thinker

-Parasitic Crong


-Tiny Icy Spider

-BFF of Babala


-Gugu that overcome winter


-Mimi Abyss Slime


[h2] New BOSS: [/ b] [/ h2]


-The Mad Energized Slime

-The Mad Clockwork Lich

-The Completely Mad Observer

-Essenced Repeating Chicken

-The Mad Mamasan

-The Mad Neusara

-The Mad Cirrus Submarine

-The Mad Auditor

New chip:

Gravity Generating Device: Surroundings damage +100%.

Gravitational Expansion Module: Surroundings radius increases by 50%.

Expansion: The volume of the surroundings increases by 50%.

Meteor Propulsion System: Surroundings speed +50%.

Star Group Plan: Surroundings number +1.
Electromagnetic Fuze: When a Shock or discharge effect hits an enemy with a blasting effect, a bomb is generated at the foot of the enemy.

[b]New weapons:

Added some new weapons:
-Superstar: There is a certain sound hardening effect, but it seems to be only effective for some sounds, maybe a song is built-in?
-Qi: Exert a streak of Qi on hitting enemies with health below 35%.
-Lollipop: Open your mouth universe! —Hata.
-The Cube: Part of the Observer, can summon Devourer.
-Demon Killer Blade: With 3 critical hit within 10 sec, Exert a streak of Qi that cause 200% damage.
-Lovely Great Sword: This sword once belonged to a shy warrior. For every additional player around, the attack -10%.
-Deflagration Great Sword: 20% chance to cause a blast effect on each attack. Each monster with a blast effect in the room increases the player's attack by 15%.
-Blade of Deceive: With 1000 times of deceptions, lies will become truths.
-BFG: Truly awesome!
-Cursed Whip: +20% damage for each negative effect on the enemies hit.
-Soul Eater: With each enemy being defeated nearby, body size +10%, attack damage +5%. (Effects were enhanced if teammates were defeated nearby.)
-Star Destroyer: Defeated enemies will exert 100% damage to nearby enemies.
-Iron Fist: Trigger weapon skill if teammates use weapon skill nearby, with 2 sec CD.
-Sakura: Each hit has chance to drop Sakura on near by enemies, last 4 sec.
-Firecrackers: Hey guys! Happy New Year!
-Serious Pointer: Can exert pressure on every enemies.

New weapon skills:
Added random skills for totem weapons. These weapon skills will appear randomly on some weapons:
-Flame Totem: Every 1.5 seconds, a blast effect is added to the monsters within the totem range. Each attack on monsters with blast effect will directly trigger the blast effect.
-Abyss Totem: If a monster stays in the totem range for more than 1 second, a tentacle will be generated on the ground, attacking the monster, causing 25% damage and adding poison effect to it.
-Shooting Aid Totem: The totem will copy the bullets of the characters within range, and the bullets inherit 50% of the damage.
-Taunt Totem: The Taunt Totem has 3 lives. The monster in the effect area of Taunt Totem will attack the Taunt Totem first.
-Frozen Totem: When the monsters within the totem range are frozen, all the monsters in the range will be frozen. This effect will be triggered at most every 3 seconds.
-Phantom Totem: Players who enter the totem range will copy an illusion to roam outwards in the center of the totem, causing 100% damage to enemies they encounter. Each totem summons up to 4 illusions.
-Bomb Totem: Attacking enemies in the totem's area has a 15% chance to generate a bomb below the enemy's feet.
-Cyclone Totem: Attacking any monster within totem range has a 15% chance to generate a whirlwind around the monster.

Prop adjustment:
Damage caused by props is now directly inherited from the player's own damage:
-Passionate Fireball: A "warm" welcome for nearby enemies, causing 300% damage.
-Quarter Hot Take: Summon not one, but four fireballs! Toasty, causing 200% damage.
-Lava Antiskid Drink: Drink to leave an antiskid trail of lava wherever you go for 20 seconds, causing 100% damage.
-Beam Bot: Set up a laser drone that shoots 4 rounds of ammunition,causing 200% damage.
-Mom's Slash: Pull nearby enemies and slash them from above, causing 400% character damage
-Cans Knocker: Knockback and deal 150% damage to nearby enemies.
-Portable Tornado Generator: Generate 6 tornadoes that slowly pull nearby enemies and deal 150% damage per second.
-Portable Disintegrator: Condenses particles into a powerful beam that damages everything in its path, causing 600% damage.
-Mobile Rocket Launcher: Fire heat-guided rockets that follow enemies, each rocket causes 20% damage and add vulnerability effect (+10% rocket damage).
-Huge Coin: Throw a huge coin that causes enemies to drop Gold on hit.
-Hata Candy: Summon blades around each enemy in the room for 10 seconds, each blade inflicts 50% damage.
-Outer-world Walker: Become unstoppable! Allows you to crush crystals and enemies for 6 seconds, causing 200% damage and bounce off the monster for 6 seconds

New achievement:
- Curse you! : Defeat any Boss with having any Cursed Chip.
-Knowledge is power: Defeat Dr.Slump.
-Play with Pinky: Defeat The Mad Observer.
-Till the end of the world: Level up every Annie's talent..
-Omniscience: Unlock everything.

Fix and optimization:
Optimized the AI ​​logic of all monsters and bosses
Optimized and adjusted some weapons
-Chef: The chef ’s weapon skills become larger and increase his attack power by 300%
-Replaced Leviathan's tentacle tentacles, making its art style and weapon effects more suitable
-The storm counterattack special effect is equipped with the electric shock reduction effect.
-The chieftain's special effects stack up to 10 times, each layer lasts 5 seconds.
-Increased the number of passive punctures of strange plants.
-Strange plants passively turn into a 30% effect, generating onions at the feet of surrounding enemies, down from 100%.
-The Joker removed the blast effect added during the attack, and the existing burning attack chance was increased to 25%.
-Poison Ivy added a 1 second built-in CD to prevent excessive occurrence.
-The effect of blasting (weapon) is changed to the third level of normal leveling to release a meta energy bomb, and a successful block will drop a meta energy bomb nearby

-The direct damage caused by the fireball surround inherits 50% of the player's damage.
-Direct damage caused by ice hockey surrounds inherits 50% of player damage.
-The direct damage caused by Venom Encircling inherits 100% of the player's damage.
-The direct damage caused by the spiked encircling inherits 200% of the player's damage.
-The direct damage caused by the electric ball surround inherits 50% of the player's damage.
-The chip-galactic messenger's surrounds correspond to the above changes.
-Whirlwind inherits 50% of player damage.
-The whirlwind fired by the player will inherit the attributes of the surrounding objects carried by the player. For example: the character carries a flame surround, then if the character launches a whirlwind, a flame whirlwind will appear; if the character carries multiple surrounds, then the attributes of the whirlwind will be randomly selected between these whirlwinds.
-The trigger condition for turning red around the screen was changed from "health value below 20%" to "health value below 35%".
-Chip-stimulation: changed from "crit rate + 20% when health is below 30%" to "crit rate + 20% when health is below 35%".
-Chip-First Aid: Change from "health of heart recovery + 100% when health is below 25%" to "health of life recovery + 100% when health is below 35%".
-Chip-Killing Talent: Changed from "When the health is below 20%, attack power +8" to "When the health is below 35%, attack power +8".
Added new treasure chest styles and animations.
Optimized moving while online mode, and improved the fluency of moving in the case of poor network conditions
Optimized the calculation of physical collisions and optimized the problem of stagnation in complex battle scenes
Optimized data loading and improved data loading speed.
Fix the problem that Rusty Chainsaw CD time is incorrect.
Fix memory leak issue.
Fixed some issues that could cause wall penetration.
Fixed an issue where the resume game function was abnormal under certain circumstances.
The heart of life (bomb) can still be purchased when full blood (full bomb).
The restored object will fall onto the merchant's sales stand and cause it to be unpickable.

Metaverse Keeper is a cooperative dungeon crawler with rogue-like element. Explore a randomly generated world full of danger with your teammates, collecting resources, searching bastions, and utilize all kinds of amazing weapons to fight extraterrestrial monsters to uncover the hidden secret of the Deep.

In Metaverse Keeper, one shall not only fight a diverse group of monsters but also collect all sorts of chips in the bastion to unlock talent and enhance power. As one progress on, challenges such as scarce resource and visions of tough enemies keep mounting, not to mention a ferocious boss at the end!

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Дополнительные файлы для игры

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Комментарии игроков (7 шт.)

От: eil [20|70] | Дата 2021-10-07 14:03:57

на другом сайте встретил версию Metaverse Keeper v1.2.1
От: xx1neck1xx [3|72] | Дата 2021-04-01 22:40:00

Обновить ссылку є нова остання версия Metaverse Keeper v1.1.0.940
От: eil [20|70] | Дата 2021-01-21 01:13:06

забавно читать тут сравнения с Gungeon, в его пользу, учитывая что Gungeon я снёс через пол часа как унылое Г, где вся разница летит ли одна пулька, или три, или веером.)
могу сказать что если бы рогалики чаще были как Metaverse Keeper, с реально ощутимым прогрессом, что каждый раз ты немного сильнее уже сразу, а не просто больше вариантов будет по-ходу очередного забена, то я бы чаще играл в рогалики(но увы).
единственный минус = сюжет тут даже не для галочки, слишком поленились хоть немного его представить.

eil подумал несколько минут и добавил:

так же несомненное достоинства что этот рогалик намного лучше оптимизирован чем всякие Gungeon или Undermine.

eil очень долго думал и добавил:

если поиграв вам понравилась красочность и стилистика, советую Crown Trick = бои там не столь "активные", но тоже приятная графика, хорошо продумано, и достойная оптимизация.
От: LotusBlade [370|188] | Дата 2020-04-22 10:30:17

Линейная банальная прокачка, где в основном покупаешь доступ к магазинам и механикам, которые в других проектах изначально доступны. В кооперативе интереснее не становится, быстро надоедает. В большинстве боссы скучные и глупые. Билдов создать дают всего парочку на каждого персонажа, а хотелось бы минимум уровень 'Salt and Sanctuary'. Если взять 'Enter The Gungeon' для сравнения, в Metaverse Keeper лишь 15% контента. По мере прохождения настакиваешь в основном ХП, щиты и урон, 'Undermine' хоть постаралась это дело компенсировать всякими алтарями, зельями и питомцами, а тут просто пустота. И это рогаЛИТ, а не рогалик — разработчики в трейлере врут. Игра пустая и вялая, как ранняя браузерная версия Binding of Isaac (не HD), соответствующее в ней и управление.
От: jeycrush [1|4] | Дата 2020-01-11 09:28:49

Игрушка огонь! и прокачка и фан, вот только мой джойстик в упор не видит(с эмулятором тоже не видит).Видимо придется покупать и играть онлайн

jeycrush думал несколько часов и добавил:

Кароч, всё нормально тут с джойстиками, это я просто криворукий. установил новую версию эмулятора 360го иксбокса-настроил НОРМАЛЬНО и всё заработало.вечером с друганом играть будем.
От: frion123 [1|3] | Дата 2019-07-01 21:43:42

v0.27.2 вышла и там русский есть, но крякнутой вроде нету)
От: 111vdv111 [10|3] | Дата 2019-02-09 23:44:19

интересная игра. рандомное оружие веселае и есть из чего выбрать. окружение и враги симпатичные 10 бананопистолетов из 10