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Скачать игру Siralim v2.3.0 - торрент, полная версия

Рейтинг: 10.0 (2) | Баллы: 59
Игру добавил Elektra [7720|138], ред. John2s [11553|1666] | 2015-08-04 (обновлено) | Ролевые игры (RPG) (3314) | Просмотров: 16392

Siralim v2.3.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Thylacine Studios (4)
• Жанр / Genre: Ролевые игры (RPG) (3314)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 30.00 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

• Другие части игры:
- Siralim 2 v1.0.3
- Siralim 3 v1.4.3
- Siralim Ultimate v1.0.1
• Похожие игры:
- Dungeonmans v1.12.5g + DLC
- Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle [Steam Early Access] Alpha v1.1.1

Siralim - достойная пошаговая RPG от Thylacine Studios. В игре генерируемыми подземельям, сотни существ со своими особенностями, игрок одновременно может управлять шестью, крафтинг и кастомизация Вашего снаряжения, управление замком с последующим его усовершенствованием.

В мире Siralim Вы не будете скучать: можно отправиться на арену, чтобы доказать свое мастерство в сражениях с сильнейшими бойцами, вызвать могущественных существ, чтобы получить редкие ингредиенты, отправиться в таверну поиграть в кости с гномами, вырастить могущественного дракона, а если игра покажется очень легкой включить perma-death.

В мире Siralim нет ничего невозможного!

Игра ОБНОВЛЕНА с v2.1.1 до v2.3.0. Список изменений внутри новости.

Вы можете скрыть всю рекламу на сайте. Как?

Siralim - это старомодная стратегия-RPG, в которой игроку отводится роль короля небольшого государства, который вынужден собственноручно заниматься его защитой, уничтожая монстров, бандитов, и других противников.

• Banshees, Pit Worms, Spirits, Pit Wraiths, Fiends, Smiths, Hounds, Demigods, Hunters, Diabolic Horde, Skeletons, Priests, Mutants, Imlers, Imlings, and Giants have new graphics.
• Added a new NPC to the library named Andi. He has a gift for players that are powerful enough to handle it.
• Several optimizations for weaker devices to prevent FPS drops.
• Realms should now be generated much faster than before.
• Re-enabled gamepad support on Mac OS.
• Several internal fixes to prepare for the Playstation and Xbox releases.
• Fixed several minor bugs.
• Cross-platform Cloud Saving has been added. This function allows you to backup and play your save files across multiple devices. You can access it via the "Cloud Storage" option at the title screen.
• The Blacksmith now has an apprentice who handles salvaging, along with a new feature: Mass Salvaging. This option allows you to instantly salvage all of your non-Locked, unequipped artifacts.
• Added support for analog sticks on gamepads, which also means the game is now compatible with far more gamepads than before.
• Added trial/demo support for Windows Phones.
• Fixed a few bugs with the Calamity ability that caused it to behave unexpectedly.
• Steam Trading Cards have been added - there are 10 to collect in total!
• Siralim is now available on Linux and SteamOS.
• Added 12 new Steam achievements.
• Added 1 new legendary crafting material.
• Arena no longer awards treasure. You can now earn Arena Points for each match you beat.
• Arena Points can be spent at a new NPC in the Arena lobby. Prizes include random legendary materials, pills, nether orbs, arena tickets, and much more.
• Arena matches now become much more difficult with each consecutive match you beat to prevent players from having to spend as much time in the arena.
• Arena balance is still a work in progress (in terms of rewards and difficulty) so please be sure to leave feedback after you get a chance to try out these changes!
• Minor Sigils and Major Sigils now stack.
• Minor Sigils are now named after their leader's race, for example: Minor Sigil of the Golem.
• Minor Sigil fights are now led by a random Nether Creature from the sigil's respective race.
• Upon defeating a Minor Sigil, you now have a chance to obtain the sigil's leader's respective Major Sigil.
• The "Create Minor Sigil" option in the Cores menu now creates a Minor Sigil belonging to those cores' respective race.
• Your legacy Minor Sigils will be converted to a random race when you load your save file for the first time.
• Decreased the drop rate of Minor Sigils.
• Pocket Dumpling can now be activated or deactivated without discarding it.
• Pocket Dumpling now tries to use the last consumable item that you used manually. You can set it back to random using a new menu option.
• Certain objects such as igloos, nomad tents, and scrolls now disappear entirely instead of just fading out after you interact with them.
• The library now includes catalogs for all the abilities and spells you've discovered. Spells are added when a new scroll is added to your inventory. Abilities are added when a new core or legendary material are added to your inventory.
• The list of buffs/debuffs and the creature bestiary can now be found on book shelves in the library rather than by talking to the librarian herself.
• The librarian can now change the name of your character, the names of your creatures, and your gender.
• Mimics are now a bit more powerful at higher Realm levels.
• Mimics now have a chance to drop 1 of 5 exclusive legendary crafting materials when slain.
• Treasure Golem chest spawning is now much more reliable.
• Kemikal has been killed off since the librarian can now do everything he did before.
• Cradle to the Grave: After dying, 100% chance to resurrect with 1 health and move to a random position on the Action Queue. Chance decreases by 20% each time this effect happens. Chance cannot fall below 20%.
• Cradle to the Grave previously always had a 100% chance to activate, only one creature could have this ability per team, and it would not activate if its owner was the last creature alive. I realize this is a massive change for a commonly-used creature, but the ability was obviously quite overpowered. With that said, I'm open to feedback on this change.
• Intimidation: no longer works on non-normal battles such as Sigils.
• Penant Reprisal: After being attacked, deal damage to the attacker equal to 100% (up from 50%) of this creature's Defense.
• Pica: no longer works on non-normal battles such as Sigils.
• Ransack: If this creature is alive at the end of battle, you gain 25% (up from 15%) more resources for each of your living creatures. Ability does not stack (previously stacked).
• Rage: decreased chance to miss from 50% to 40%.
• Quills no longer allow a spell scroll to have more than 10 charges.
Royalty Points
• Raid (Nature): decreased chance to start at the top of the Action Queue per rank from 4% to 3%.
• Greatly increased the damage and potency of most spells.
• Reworked several spells so that they are more useful.
• Reduced the mana cost of most spells. Some spells no longer have a mana cost.
• Decreased enemy Spell Power.
Bug/Crash Fixes
• Fixed a crash that could occur if the player pressed the confirm key repeatedly before or after engaging in certain Duty-related battles.
• Fixed a bug and subsequent crash that could occur after a battle where the player would float upward uncontrollably.
• Fixed a bug with the Cataclysm ability that caused the Burn debuff it applied to deal much lower damage than expected.
• Fixed several crashes that could occur as a result of players pressing keys too quickly in certain menus.
• Fixed a bug that caused post-turn abilities and effects to be ignored when a creature used the Extract command.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Attunement ability to always be activate even when the player didn't use a shrine.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Boulder Jewel and Sandstone Jewel materials to both grant the same ability.
• Really this time: fixed the bug that caused treasure chests from the Treasure Golem to spawn outside of the boundaries of the realm.
• Added a new option: Battle Message Auto-Scroll. This option allows battle messages to scroll automatically after a set amount of time, from 0.5 seconds to 3 seconds.
• The "Flee" command is now called "Forfeit" in battles that you cannot run away from. Forfeiting a battle instantly kills all of your creatures.
• Improved several Major Sigil encounters (thanks, Vagrant!).
• Reduced the health of most enemy Nether Creatures.
• Reduced enemy Spell Power scaling.
• Blood Dance: While defending, your creatures take 99% less damage (previously 1 damage) from attacks and this creature takes 100% more damage. Does not affect creatures that also have this ability.
• Call of the Tundra (reworked): When attacked, 30% chance to dodge and decrease enemy's Speed by 40%.
• Catching Fire: now has a maximum duration multiplier of 10 turns.
• Darkness Surrounding: Creature recovers 50% (up from 25%) health at the start of its turn.
• Death Beckons: now overrides the Taunt buff.
• Bearer of Needs: After attacking, 100% chance (up from 40%) to heal one of your creatures for 30% health, then heal each of your other creatures at random. Amount healed is reduced by 5% each time it heals a creature.
• Electroheart: After dying, enemies are afflicted with Stagger for 3 turns (up from 2) and Stun for 1 turn (down from 2).
• Icy Tomb: After an enemy attacks, defends, or provokes (previously just defends or provokes), 15% chance (down from 50%) to afflict it with Frozen.
• Instigation: Name changed to Rise to Fall. After provoking, remove all debuffs and gain 15% Current and Maximum Health for each debuff removed.
• Ransack: If this creature is alive at the end of battle, you gain 15% (down from 30%) more resources for each of your living creatures.
• Release the Panic: now also causes the Imling to recover 20% health.
• Slumber Cloud (reworked): After being attacked, afflict enemy with Sleep.
• Topaz Attunement: Creature and the creatures in its row (previously all creatures) start battle at the top of the Action Queue and have Critical for 1 turn.
• Proficiency: now also grants a bonus to Speed.
Bug/Crash Fixes
• Fixed a bug that caused Bynine to offer the wrong cores for sale.
• Enemies that spawn outside of the boundaries of the Realm will now re-spawn until they're where they should be.
• Fixed a bug that caused the speed shrine buff to not work.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Treasure Golem to prevent certain Duties from being completed.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Pestilent Thorns ability to apply poison based on the opposing creature's Attack.
• Fixed a bug that allowed the Stop Time spell to still be obtained from Power Spells.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Treasure Golem to sometimes drop treasure outside of the boundaries of the Realm.
• Fixed a rare bug that caused the player to be teleported to the arena after dying in a normal battle.
• Fixed a crash that could occur after certain event battles.
• Fixed a bug with the Unguided Entity ability that caused it to be able to deal more damage than advertised.
• Fixed a bug that prevented the Unicorn Vivifier's Major Sigil from dropping.
• Fixed a bug that caused certain healing effects to allow creatures that were killed by Doom to come back to life.
• Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed creatures with Link to never die.
• Fixed a bug that prevented portals from being created in a Daily Realm if the player fled from battle.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Attunement ability to ignore the effects of the Speed shrine buff.
• Fixed a crash that could occur under rare circumstances in most menus.
• Fixed a bug that caused the Eraser ability to activate 100% of the time.
• Added a new option: Battle Speed. You can now enable Turbo Mode to remove all battle animations, battle sounds, and make battle text instant.
• Carnages have new graphics.
• Significantly reduced the chance for certain battle events to occur (including the Death Realm event that breaks creatures out of defending/provoking).
• Added 61 new Steam achievements.
• Ghouls, Doomguards, Gargoyles, and Mites have new graphics.
• Added 1 new legendary crafting material.
• In Reincarnation Mode, your Nether Creatures will now resurrect as a new Nether Creature with the same gem/orb enchantments as the dead creature.
• In Reincarnation Mode, your reincarnated creatures now maintain their bonuses granted from Pills.
• Continued to improve several Major Sigil encounters (thanks, Vagrant!).
• The Speed stat has undergone a few internal changes to allow us to implement spells, abilities, and other effects that work based on this stat. This was previously not possible before.
• Added 61 new Steam achievements.
• Ghouls, Doomguards, Gargoyles, and Mites have new graphics.
• Added 1 new legendary crafting material.
• In Reincarnation Mode, your Nether Creatures will now resurrect as a new Nether Creature with the same gem/orb enchantments as the dead creature.
• In Reincarnation Mode, your reincarnated creatures now maintain their bonuses granted from Pills.
• Continued to improve several Major Sigil encounters (thanks, Vagrant!).
• The Speed stat has undergone a few internal changes to allow us to implement spells, abilities, and other effects that work based on this stat. This was previously not possible before.
• Anomaly: After attacking, a different enemy takes damage equal to 50% (up from 20%) of this creature's Current Health (previously enemy's Maximum Health). 50% chance for this effect to continue bouncing to additional enemies, and can bounce multiple times.
• Avenged Sevenfold: After being attacked and health is reduced below 25% (up from 20%), deal damage to the attacker equal to 700% of this creature's Attack (previously damage taken).
• Calamity: When a creature is killed, enemies take damage equal to 50% (up from 15%) of this creature's Attack (previously enemy's Maximum Health).
• Catching Fire (reworked): After attacking a target with Burn, remove the debuff and deal the full amount of damage this debuff would have done over the full duration.
• Carrion Swarm: After attacking, deal damage equal to 50% (up from 25%) of this creature's Speed (previously enemy's Maximum Health).
• Crawl Through Knives: At the start of this creature's turn, deal damage to all creatures on the battlefield equal to 15% (up from 10%) of their Current Health (previously Maximum Health).
• Everything's Gone: At the start of battle, set all creatures' health equal to 65% (up from 50%) of their Maximum Health.
• Mirror's Truth: When attacked, 25% chance (50% while provoking) to prevent the damage and deal damage to the attacker equal to 50% (up from 25%) of this creature's Luck (previously damage taken).
• Penant Reprisal: After being attacked, deal damage to the attacker equal to 50% of this creature's Defense (previously damage taken).
• Piercing Dragon Claws (reworked): After attacking, reduce target's Maximum Health to its Current Health.
• Planetary Wrath: After an enemy casts a spell, deal damage to it equal to 200% (up from 35%) of your Spell Power (previously enemy's Maximum Health).
• Rain of Embers: After you cast a spell that consumes a turn, deal damage to all enemies equal to 60% (up from 10%) of your Spell Power (previously enemy's Maximum Health).
• Refraction: After being attacked, deal damage to all enemies equal to 35% (up from 20%) of this creature's Defense (previously damage taken).
• Reroute to Remain: After being attacked, deal damage to a random enemy equal to 100% (up from 65%) of this creature's Luck (previously damage taken).
• Resin: At the start of this creature's turn, deal damage to a random enemy equal to 75% (up from 35%) of this creature's Attack (previously enemy's Maximum Health). If the enemy dies, this creature skips its turn.
• Soulburn: When this creature casts a spell on an enemy, deal damage to it equal to 200% (up from 20%) of your Spell Power (previously enemy's Maximum Health).
• Steadfast Resilience (reworked): Creature always has Taunt and does not suffer a Defense penalty while provoking.
• Ultimatum: After being attacked while provoking, deal damage to the attacker equal to 25% of this creature's Attack (previously damage taken) and Stun the enemy for 1 turn.
• Vengeance Falls: After being attacked, 50% chance to deal damage to the attacker equal to 75% (down from 100%) of this creature's Attack (previously damage taken).
• Bleed debuff changed: Creatures with Bleed take damage equal to 30% of their Current Health at the end of their turn.
• Burn debuff changed: Creatures with Burn take damage equal to 5% of the inflictor's Attack each turn. The damage doubles each turn, and increases if this debuff is applied multiple times. Damage doubles a maximum of 5 times.
• Charge buff changed: When a creature accumulates 3 stacks of Charge, the buff is removed and all enemies take damage equal to 200% of this creature's Attack.
• Disease debuff changed: Creatures with Disease take damage equal to 50% of the inflictor's Luck at the end of their turn.
• Infection debuff: Creatures with Infection take damage equal to 50% of the inflictor's Speed at the end of their turn.
• Jinx debuff changed: After a creature with Jinx attacks, it incurs damage equal to 100% of its target's Luck.
• Molten Armor buff changed: Creatures with Molten Armor have a 50% chance to Burn attackers for 3 turns and to deal damage equal to 20% of the attacker's Current Health.
• Poison debuff changed: Creatures with Poison take damage equal to 5% of the inflictor's Attack each turn for each stack of this debuff. Damage stacks if this debuff is applied multiple times. Maximum of 10 stacks.
• Suffocation debuff changed: Creatures with Suffocate cannot cast spells and take damage equal to 100% of the inflicting party's Spell Power at the end of their turn.
• Taunt buff changed: Creatures with Taunt have a 100% to successfully provoke their enemies.
• Tickets have been changed:
• Silver Tickets now complete your active Duty and reveal the full map of the Realm you're in.
• Golden Tickets now complete your active Duty, reveal the full map of the Realm you're in, and drop several treasure chests around you.
• Bronze Tickets work the same way as before - they complete your active Duty.
Royalty Points
• Increased the preliminary threshold of Holy Defiance (Life Mage) from 50% to 60%.
• Wind Walk and Stop Time can no longer be obtained.
• Farsight now costs 1% Power Balance, up from 0%.
• Alteration spells now cost 1% Power Balance, up from 0%.
User Interface
• Added a new context menu option for Consumable items that allows you to discard full stacks of items at once.
• Significantly reduced the number of battle messages displayed for summoned minions such as Dire Wolves and Fiendlings.
• The Ritual menu now displays the maximum number of rituals you can conduct at a time.
• When extracting a core from a creature, the battle message is now much more clear to prevent confusion (such as when extracting from a Gimp Mummy after it has unraveled its bandages).
Bug/Crash Fixes
• Fixed a bug that could cause gems to disappear from the inventory.
• Fixed a crash that could occur when retrieving an enchanted gem from the Gem Temple.
• Fixed a graphical display issue with Amaranth creatures in the overworld.
• Fixed a graphical issue that caused the Cinder Devil to have the same overworld sprite as the Twisted Devil.
• Fixed several crashes that could occur in the overworld.
• Creatures with the Betrayal ability will no longer kill themselves.
• Fixed a bug that caused creatures resurrected by the Death Realm battle event to immediately activate the on-death ability of the new creature.
• Fixed a bug that caused all "Grant Buff: XX" (where XX is a minion) artifact properties to grant the incorrect number of minions.
• Fixed a bug that could cause gems to disappear from the inventory.
• Fixed a crash that could occur when retrieving an enchanted gem from the Gem Temple.
• Fixed a graphical display issue with Amaranth creatures in the overworld.
• Fixed a graphical issue that caused the Cinder Devil to have the same overworld sprite as the Twisted Devil.
• Fixed several crashes that could occur in the overworld.
• Creatures with the Betrayal ability will no longer kill themselves.
• Fixed a bug that caused creatures resurrected by the Death Realm battle event to immediately activate the on-death ability of the new creature.
• Fixed a bug that caused all "Grant Buff: XX" (where XX is a minion) artifact properties to grant the incorrect number of minions.

You are the king (or queen!) of the thriving kingdom of Siralim. It is your duty to protect your kingdom and its people from the dangers lurking beyond your castle's walls. Summon hundreds of unique creatures to fight by your side as you adventure through randomly generated dungeons and complete randomly generated quests. Find rare treasure and use it to upgrade your castle, empower your creatures, learn new spells, and much more.

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Комментарии игроков (8 шт.)

От: Kepochkin [9|16] | Дата 2023-03-11 19:43:10

помню когда первый раз запустил подумал что какая то джрпг хрень а оказалось очень годная игра и с каждой частью лучше и лучше ( все части куплены в стим и 2 части куплены на мобиле)
От: Intrpt [3|16] | Дата 2015-08-05 19:19:40

Супер игра. Не играл до этого в игры подобного плана и с такой механикой. Скачал, взял 30-й уровень, купил игру. ;)
Подскажите, пожалуйста, подобные игры?
От: Chewby [1|0] | Дата 2015-06-10 16:40:19


Icecubik сказал:

"siralim.exe не является приложением Win32" Она на xp не идет?

Идет. У меня XP SP3, всё нормально пускается, только надо учитывать, что мышь там принципиально не работает и клавиши управления - Q и E.

Chewby подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Yoji сказал:

мне пока не удалось выяснить, что делать с лишними "ядрами" существ (их можно либо комбинировать, либо превращать во что-то), или, например, для чего нужны Sigils и Pandemonium tokens.

Лишние ядра можно как раз превращать в sigils. Sigils - при выборе происходит битва с сильным отрядом во главе с улучшенной версией существа, из которого этот sigil был получен. В результате получается экспа, ресурсы, лут и можно надыбать еще и major sigil (если повезет).

Pandemonium tokens - там же написано: неизвестно что получится при использовании. Пробуем и что-то да будет

Chewby полчасика подумал и добавил:

К администрации:

1. тут можно как-нить отслеживать обновления интересующих игр?

2. было бы замечательно, если бы публиковались системные требования к играм в описании.
От: cevrf [6|2] | Дата 2015-05-28 11:42:59

Привет вам от Phantasy star =)
От: Yoji [217|34] | Дата 2015-05-16 13:53:32

На телефоне помнится не впечатлило, а на днях довелось поиграть на ПК. Набегал в общей сумме 10 часов и не могу отделаться от ощущения, что геймплея здесь хватит еще на годы вперед.

Нудная на первый взгляд беготня по лабиринтам обернулась коллекционированием "душ" монстров и их воссозданием, поиском артефактов для своих подопечных, сбором ресурсов, заклинаний и прочего разнообразного лута, улучшением замка, прокачкой способностей героя и выполнением щедрых на награды квестов - и это в семи мирах, каждый со своими особенностями и условиями боя.

Yoji подумал несколько секунд и добавил:

Лишь окунувшись с головой в этот процесс понимаешь, что до сих пор топтался у порога возможностей игры. Оказывается что существ здесь не пара десятков, а 328 (у каждого уникальное свойство и, похоже, внешний вид), что артефакты можно не только искать но и ковать, а потом до бесконечности улучшать, а сражения неумолимо обрастают тонкостями и тактиками по мере открытия новых противников. Отстройка комнат замка - детская забава по сравнению с выведением легендарных пород монстров (задача в несколько этапов на десятки вечеров). Не менее грандиозно и масштабное заклинание вызова редчайших предметов, подготовка и выполнение которого может занять не одну игровую сессию. При том, мне пока не удалось выяснить, что делать с лишними "ядрами" существ (их можно либо комбинировать, либо превращать во что-то), или, например, для чего нужны Sigils и Pandemonium tokens.
От: weer1 [10|6] | Дата 2015-05-14 00:06:31

Как-то не впечатлило, прошёл два уровня унылого подземелья. Палец устал постоянно давить кнопку "E".
От: GameWorld [5|14] | Дата 2014-09-06 22:14:26


Icecubik сказал:

"siralim.exe не является приложением Win32" Она на xp не идет?

Вроде нет)

GameWorld очень долго думал и добавил:

Игра в своём жанре является одна из лучших. Всем советую поиграть)
От: Icecubik [4|5] | Дата 2014-06-29 00:27:02

"siralim.exe не является приложением Win32" Она на xp не идет?