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Описание игры, скриншоты, видео

Скачать бесплатную игру Beret v1.2.0

Рейтинг: 10.0 (2)
Игру добавил olVin [2043|97] | 2011-11-20 (обновлено) | Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940) | Просмотров: 9766

Beret v1.2.0

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Инди-игра (14535) от Kiwisauce (1)
• Жанр / Genre: Платформеры (вид сбоку) (3940); Головоломки, пазлы (2979)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Бесплатная игра
• Размер / Size: 42.17 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 10.0 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

Beret – это 2D - пазл - платформер выполненный в ретро стиле. Игра об ученом, по имени Beret, с телекинетическими способностями.

Версия игры обновлена с v1.1.99999 до v1.2.0.

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Beret приобрёл телекинетические способности, проводя исследования в корпорации. Поняв, что корпорация сотрудничает со злом, он решает свергнуть ее.

Автор - Kiwisauce (Nigel Kilmer).

-Fixed a crash when a gravity switch is pushed into a wall through unorthodox means.
-Made platform behavior more intuitive when a link block that the platform is linked to is destroyed.
-Made platform interactions with force fields more intuitive. (Platforms can be pushed by force fields if the force field direction is orthogonal to the platform’s movement.)
-Made platforms not be triggered by Beret clipping the platform’s edge during a jump.
-Stopped Matterly from being killed by her own fragments.
-Fixed turret bullets sometimes getting stuck on walls.
-Fixed turret bullets sometimes being changed into white infectlings.
-Reduced the limit on the number of sound effects that can be played at once.
-Save Data
-Made the game remember whether the range guide is on between sessions.
-Fixed room clear data not being saved properly if you clear a room and then exit through the finish door.
-Fixed room clear data being remembered across save files.
-Added an option to toggle the status bar on the options screen; disabled Q to toggle the status bar.
-Changed running controls – the default is now to hold shift to walk.
-Added a controls screen that is accessible within levels.
-Level Editor
-Added instructions on the editor help menu for flipping objects.
-Shortened ‘Press Q for help’ message in editor to ‘Press Q’ to stop the message from overlapping with door/sign coordinates.
-Added confirmation dialogs for resetting a room or overwriting an existing room.
-Level Design
-Fixed green medallion time limits for levels 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9.
-Level 1: Removed a sign in about running jumps, as it no longer applies under the new running controls.
-Level 2: Moved the orange medallion piece at the top of the outside room slightly lower so it is not covered by the status bar.
-Level 12: Removed an alternate solution for the orange medallion piece at the bottom of the room with the boss door involving stacking infectlings and bombs to reach the piece from below. Rationale: The solution is finicky to pull off and completely bypasses the puzzle.
-Level 15: Removed an alternate solution for the white medallion involving quickly pulling blocks out of green switch blocks before they are destroyed. Rationale: The solution is very difficult to pull off and trivializes the lower section of the room.
-Level 15: Removed an alternate solution in the room with the purple teleseekers involving bringing a sticky bomb through a force field while attached to a block. Rationale: The solution is difficult and finicky to pull off.
-Level 18: Removed an alternate solution to the first room involving riding past the force field with the left gravity block. Rationale: The solution is annoying to pull off and bypasses the entire room.
-Level 19: Separated the sign explaining platforms into two signs – one about the basics of platforms and one about the pumping mechanic specifically.
-Level 20: Removed an alternate solution to the white medallion puzzle involving using a ghost block to ascend to the white medallion. Rationale: While tricky, the solution bypasses entire sections and misses the point of the puzzle.
-Level 21: Replaced the horrible spike pit room with an equally evil but fairer room.
-Level 21: Added a green switch block at the bottom-right corner of the switch block toggle room.

Beret is a 2D puzzle-platformer game about a scientist, astonishingly named Beret, who has gained telekinetic abilities through his research at the Evil Corporation. He decides that the Evil Corporation is a tad too evil for his liking, and begins his solitary quest to overthrow the corporation and punish the evil deeds of his employers.
Beret has:
21 puzzle-filled levels
120 collectable Medallions
Over 20 hours of gameplay
An unlockable level editor

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Комментарии игроков (5 шт.)

От: gamevoin [36|22] | Дата 2011-11-20 14:39:03

LotusBlade,впервые вижу от тебя хороший коментарий.
От: CyberEL [12|15] | Дата 2011-08-03 23:59:20

"герой скользит даже после того как вы перестали жать кнопку "в бок""
Там можно переключаться на ходьбу (shift).
От: LotusBlade [370|187] | Дата 2011-08-01 21:56:08

Продуманная игра, с длинными уровнями и интерестным прохождением, с возможностью играть "на золото", звуки и музыка на высоте. Ну и собственно 20 часов - это очень хорошо для мини игры. Редактор уровней, так же, очень позитивный нюанс. Управление резковато, герой скользит даже после того как вы перестали жать кнопку "в бок", но к этому можно привыкнуть и оно того стоит. Тут и логика, и прыгалка, и собиралка в одном, причем все стили хорошо сделаны и уже с первого уровня понимаеш, что игра прекрасная.
От: KAT_Editor [41|20] | Дата 2011-06-14 16:47:05

Даа людям, кто это писал явно было нечем заняться (я это в хорошем смысле) даю 10!
От: gamevoin [36|22] | Дата 2011-06-13 19:59:41

Много-вато весит для флеш.Но думаю круто.Скачаю.

gamevoin подумал несколько минут и добавил:

Флеш из моего коменнта уберите.