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Скачать игру Steel Panthers: World at War v8.403 - торрент, полная версия

Рейтинг: 6.5 (2)
Игру добавил Defuser222 [3625|10] | 2012-10-18 (обновлено) | Стратегии (3531) | Просмотров: 20233

Steel Panthers: World at War v8.403

• SGi навигация / Navigation:
• Разработчик / Developer: Matrix Games (4)
• Жанр / Genre: Стратегии (3531)
• Тип игры / Game Type: Полная версия (установи и играй)
• Размер / Size: 288.74 Мб.
• Оценка игроков / Game Score: 6.5 из 10 (всего голосов: 2)

• Похожие игры:
- War Plan Orange: Dreadnoughts in the Pacific 1922-1930

2D стратегия (wargame), рассчитанная на тактику во Второй Мировой войне. Имеется игра по сети.

Версия игры ОБНОВЛЕНА с 8.2 до 8.403. Список изменений внутри.

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Системные требования:
- 400 МГц CPU
- 64 Мб ОЗУ
- 16 Мб видео
- 1 Гб свободного места

Steel Panthers World At War - тактический симулятор второй мировой войны. Игра вышла в 2000 году и получила награду как лучший воргейм года. Версия 8.20 выпущена в 2005 году и включает обновленный и улучшенный геймплей, продвинутый AI, лучшую поддержку мультиплеерной игры, новые карты, новые иконки, новые территории, новые звуки и многое другое.

The new 8.3 Update contains extensive fixes and enhancements to the Steel Panthers: World At War orders of battle. Changes include improvements for Copmuter AI Unit picks, scenario changes, some updated graphics and sound files and fixes and improvements for virtually every major as well as some minor nations. A more detailed list of changes, based on extensive interaction and feedback from the Steel Panthers: World At War community, is included in the update.

8.40 Patch Notes
- Fixed a bug which could allow size zero units with only one man left to appear as snipers in some combat and spotting routines.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the program, when generating maps in the editor, for any campaign or battle, with the Victory Frontage option turned off, to place the three victory hex clusters in unexpected locations. Please note that Victory Frontage off is useful for company to battalion sized battles and Victory Frontage on is useful for regimental or brigade sized battles.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the game to crash when starting a battle in the long World War II campaign, if playing or fighting the Germans.
- Fixed a bug which prevented units riding on vehicles or in soft vehicles from taking damage, when the vehicle was hit by fire.
- Fixed a bug in the OOB editor that prevented the unit text file value from saving properly.
- Adjusted base experience and morale values used for creation of leaders and units. These are minimum values, to which a random number is added. See tables, below.
- Made it a bit easier to spot enemy units, especially at range one of zero.
- Rewrote the code that chooses if the player mission is advance or assault in the long WWII Campaign and campaigns created using the Campaign Generator. Decreased the likelihood of Allied armies in the early war and Axis powers in the late war.
- Changed the way reinforcement points are generated in the long WWII Campaign. Instead of having a maximum of 1/15th the value of the players force, the value is now 1/10th of the enemy force. The reasoning here is that reinforcements are more needed when the player is outnumbered, such as in a defend mission, than when he has the dominate force, such as in an advance mission.
- In 1944 of the long WWII campaign, the computer opponent will receive more troops, if the human is playing Axis and fewer, if he is playing Allied. This effect becomes greater in 1945.
- Rewrote bit of code that determines where a unit will move. In meeting engagements, if a unit was closer to a friendly hex than an enemy hex, it would move towards that hex. When visibility was high, that put most friendly units closer the friendly hex and most would move to that friendly hex and mill around. Now they will only move towards a friendly hex if there are no enemy hexes left or they are very close to the friendly hex, else they will move towards an enemy hex.
- Altered the equations some for determining visibility in random battles. Extreme and very short ranges are less frequent (less than 5 or more than 40). Computer opponent artificial intelligence was having difficulty setting up, in these cases.
- Reduced visibility in sand storms in the desert by a significant amount in random battles.
- Modified how the German computer opponent picks troops in the long World War II campaign. Uses same pick lists, but picks in a slightly different fashion. Very small battles were using odd choices, since the unit costs have arisen in some orders of battle.

8.403 Patch Notes
- In some screens, the scroll delay was not functioning. Fixed.
- Fire effectiveness of infantry primary weapons in slots 2 to 4 have been reduced, unless the firing unit passes a special experience check. This reduction always applied to infantry primary weapons in slot 1, but the code assumed that none of these would be found in later slots. The experience check for slot one assumed some troops would be goofing off, drinking tea or for some other reason, would not be firing effectively. This limitation now applies to these primary infantry weapons in other slots, as it is assumed that these would be fired by ammo carriers, squad leaders or some one else who might be otherwise occupied. Secondary or crewed weapons are handled in a different part of the code.
- Reduced hex radius of secondary damage applied from attacks to units in the same or nearby hexes.
- Reduced effect of secondary damage to units in the same or nearby hexes from direct fire attacks.
- The default Bulgaria morale values were not being set properly. Fixed.

8.402 Patch Notes
- Made it a bit harder to spot enemy units, especially at range one or zero.
- Allowed the German artificial intelligence purchase routine a little more armor in smaller engagements.
- Sniper units may no longer close assault vehicles.
- Sometimes the player setup side was incorrect, when assaulting beaches. Fixed.
- The in game save menu button now automatically saves the Mega-Campaign. This might be useful, if the player has been experiencing CTD and wishes to save without having to exit the scenario.

Steel Panthers: World at War is a tactical level, World War II era, historical wargame. This is a very highly refined version of Steel Panthers III, placed in the Steel Panthers I game scale. We used Steel Panthers III since it was the most stable version of the game engine yet created. The original game series was designed by Gary Grigsby, Keith Brors and Joel Billings. SP:WaW is a hex based, top down view, alternating turn ("I go, you go" or IGOUGO) game design. SP:WaW also includes a timed play feature, giving each player a specific amount of time to conduct his turn before it ends and his opponent's turn begins. Armor, gun and vehicle units are represented by individual icons. Each infantry squad can have up to 25 men in it. Machine guns, mortars and artillery units are also realisticaly portrayed and crewed. Each hex represents 50 yards (meters) of the virtual battlefield, with many new terrain features added. Each game turn represents a few minutes of real time, and games can last from a few turns to entire campaigns.

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Комментарии игроков (8 шт.)

От: Derek2 [104|25] | Дата 2012-10-19 14:31:34

Движок в те времена хороший был...
От: Nazgul37 [31|8] | Дата 2012-10-18 21:35:08

Конкретно в эту версию не играл, но sp: main battle tank просто великолепная игра!
Советую всем, у кого от шутанов ещё мозг не отсох.
От: Defuser222 [3625|10] | Дата 2012-10-18 17:10:45

Группа: Редактор
2003-го вроде
От: war101 [14|43] | Дата 2012-10-18 15:52:10

Если не секрет,игра какого года?
От: Zard48ru [62|94] | Дата 2011-04-15 20:48:00

От: ich [0|0] | Дата 2011-04-15 13:32:06

От: Maximov911 [2|7] | Дата 2011-04-14 20:54:35

причем редкое
От: RAFAEL98 [0|1] | Дата 2011-04-14 20:12:51
